Make It Visible

#204: Why a Small Audience Could Be Your Biggest Asset (And How To Leverage It!)

Michelle Kuei Season 3 Episode 204

Think you need thousands of followers to make a difference? Think again.

In this episode, we’re flipping the script on audience size and showing you why a small, engaged audience could be your biggest asset.

You’ll learn how to build deeper connections, leverage your strengths, and make a massive impact with what you already have.

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Meet Your Host:

Hey there! I’m Michelle Kui—Visibility Marketing and Speaker Success Coach.

I’m the founder of Elevate LifeCoaching, where I help coaches like you build a stand-out brand, attract high-quality 5-6 figure clients, and land paid speaking gigs—all by leveraging the #1 most important asset in your business (hint: it’s not JUST social media!).

My Journey into Public Speaking & Visibility

My speaking journey started early—at 9 years old when my dad voluntold me to enter a speech contest (thanks, Dad!). Since then, I became the go-to speaker whenever someone needed a voice on short notice.

From leading corporate workshops to running training sessions, I thrived where most people froze—grabbing the mic while others sat back, hoping not to get called on.

After working with hundreds of coaches, I realized a HUGE missing piece that most entrepreneurs completely overlook—and it’s the #1 strategy top coaches use to grow their business, attract premium clients, and get booked on bigger stages.

Are you using it? If not, let’s change that. 🚀


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Michelle :

Have you ever felt like your coaching business can't grow because your audience size is too small and it's just not big enough? Couple of days ago I was streaming through my Facebook and I was looking at some of the videos that the coaches have put out and one of the comment that I heard from a really well-established six, seven figure business coach when she had made a comment about how her Facebook size has grown tremendously. And when I look at some of the engagement and perhaps you might feel this too that when you go to some of the huge, humongous Facebook followers that the activity that's going on, it's not that great. So, yes, while you may have over 1000s of followers inside your Facebook group or your audience size, but the reality is that number is actually a vanity matrix and doesn't translate to conversion. It doesn't translate to revenue and if that's what you've been feeling, you've been feeling discouraged or kind of hesitating and wondering the fact that do I need to have a large following in order to have a successful coaching business? Today we're going to talk. Thank you, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So, buckle up ladies, let's get started.

Michelle :

Let's talk about the myth that more followers means more success. I mean, we all heard that from social media, scrolling through all these successful coaches. Who's encouraging you to grow that audience? And you need more followers and you need to reach out to more people. But when you look at what you actually have, you'll probably have 200 followers or 300 followers, and the majority of them are probably from all the friends and families or colleagues that you have collected over the years in your previous career. And so there's this myth about audience size that we need to talk about. Well, think of it. Size that we need to talk about Well, think of it If you can have thousands of followers, but if they're not actually paying attention, engaging your content or heck the algorithm on Facebook and Instagram and even on LinkedIn or YouTube everywhere it's being controlled by how they want to present your content to their audience, rather than having this agenda about you and promoting you. So, even though that you may have a large followers, but in reality, there's only 1% of those followers are actually paying attention to what you put out there and therefore, even with the 200 followers that you have, maybe there's two of them are actually actively engaging. So when you grow that size and this is where that number comes in right Larger the followers, better the engagement, for the fact that only 1% of your audience is going to pay attention and to be able to actually watch your content. So if you do the math, 200 followers and 1% of that would be two people would be engaging your content. So when you grow an audience size to 3,000 followers, then maybe you get 30 people. Who's actually looking at seeing your content, as the social media algorithm is pushing out to them, as the social media algorithm is pushing out to them. So your business kind of rely on this algorithm.

Michelle :

A statistic of how much are these people are actually going to engage and see your content. And I know a coach who recently had 100 people on her email list but she generated $10,000 just from that 100 people on her list. How Well, because she continued to nurture that 100 people and building a relationship with them so that she earned the trust, she earned what she had, the time that she had put in, and so, of course, 100 followers is also very likely to give you and generating $10,000 as your revenue. So there's that myth about small audience size. Therefore you cannot be successful, which is completely untrue.

Michelle :

Key number two is here's why a small audience will actually give you a little more advantage. Now think about it 3,000 followers versus 200 followers how much time do you actually have to engage with the followers to have that one-on-one conversation? Probably you spend less time having conversation with the 200 people than you would have with the 3,000 followers, correct? And so even when your audience size grow to a point where it may look massive, it may look really impressive, but in reality, how many people are actually having conversation with you? Probably not many, right?

Michelle :

And this is why, a lot of time, you'll see people tagging Facebook groups or at everyone in Facebook group, and it's easily getting ignored because that only creates a lot more noise for a lot of people. So every time you get tagged, you get this notification on your mobile device or your computer. Well, that's just another tag, and so it's not the best strategy to actually call for the attention if you want to have conversation with someone After a while. It's like crying wolf, right, if you tag me so many times, I'm just going to simply ignore anything that's important. Then it's easily get unnoticed.

Michelle :

So here's the advantage of why a smaller audience actually work better in your favor. Because of that size number. It gives you more unique advantage because now you can actually reach out to individuals on a weekly basis. Let's say, you engage 10 people this particular week and you rotate another 10 set of people you have in conversation with them, and so you continue to do that for the next 20 days. You have reached entire 200 followers on your social media list, and so it's a much easier way and more time efficient way to build that connection, building deeper bonds and building actually meaningful relationship, right? So instead of sending them a bulk messages to all 3000 people, now you can focus on building that relationship with 10 people this week, 10 people next week, 10 people the following week, and if you do that consistently for the next 20 days or the next month, you actually build a very meaningful relationship and you might be surprised how much benefit you can actually receive from making more connection without even too much of the time and effort.

Michelle :

So number one key benefit of having a small audience size is obviously you have that personal touch. You have that personal connection with each and every single one of them. Number two is that there's less noise. So earlier I talked about how Facebook tagging becomes a noise in the social media world, and it's like crying wolf, right, if you cry wolf so many times, then it's easily getting overlooked or ignored because people are just so tired of getting notified every time you're trying to promote or sell them something, and so it becomes less noise. When you have a smaller audience, you can stay more focused. If you have something to promote, you know exactly who might be a better fit, because you already have that conversation with them in the first place. And number three is you build that trust and loyalty. When you have one-to-one conversation with these individuals who's on your smaller size audience, you actually create that bonding, create that trust, and people feel more connected to you. They want to help you to promote things, they want to help you out, they want to support you, so it's more likely that they will comment on your next post than if you have 3,000 followers who don't even know who the heck you are. And so these are the three advantages of why having a small size audience would actually be in your favor. Anytime you're trying to market something or promoting your course or your membership or just your business overall.

Michelle :

Small but mighty. Every followers, every subscriber, every email address, they become people who say, yes, I want to hear from you and that is a gift, and treat it like one Key point. Number three is how to leverage a small audience for the big result. These are the three tips that I have personally used when I was growing my audience, my follower. If you follow me for so long or if you have been following me on my social this is a story I've talked about all the time is when I first started out. I only have 200 followers on my Facebook, on my Instagram and basically across all the platform. It was small but very mighty. Some of my early paying clients from my coaching business actually came from these followers and they were following me because every time I put out something, it spoke to them, it was resonating, it made them feel like they're part of my world. And so just because that 200 follower, it doesn't mean that you won't be successful. It's a great way to start and if you have nothing else that you are focusing on in 2025, what I would encourage you to focus on is actually nurturing your audience and reconnecting with all the people who's on your social.

Michelle :

If your audience size is so small Now, once you reach to a larger audience, then the strategy would be a little different, which we'll cover in another episode. But in this particular episode, I want to focus on those of you who have a smaller follower. Maybe you have a smaller email list, maybe you have a smaller social media followers. These are the people that you want to nurture, to connect. Think of it as attending a networking event in person. These are the people who's going to send you word of mouth. These are the people who's going to send you more referral if you're looking for more speaking engagement. I'll tell you one quick story. Just earlier in the year, I had someone who, one of the fellow speakers who had reached out to me. Year I had someone who one of the fellow speakers who had reached out to me and she referred me to another conference event because she's been following on my social. And so just because someone is not your client doesn't mean that the opportunity is not there. So you definitely want to consider nurturing your audience and keep them engaged, keep them entertaining, keep them connected, because that is how you get the referral, whether it's your coaching clients or a speaking engagement.

Michelle :

So what are the three things that you can? How to leverage? How you can leverage using a small audience so that you can get bigger results. Number one is you every time you create any content, you definitely want to speak directly to them. You want to talk about the things that they connect with. Just imagine, anytime you put out anything, it's like having that one-on-one conversation with them. So use their language, address their specific needs, their problem. How do you make them feel seen? And that's very important in building that connection in the first place.

Michelle :

Number two how to leverage a small audience so that you can get bigger result is you want to engage with authenticity. So in my previous episode I believe it was on my YouTube channel I talked about the authenticity, and that's really important because how you show up on social is how you show up in the real life. And that's really important because how you show up on social is how you show up in the real life. And that's really important distinction, because I think a lot of us, when we first enter the social media world, we think that, oh, I need to create this branding, I need to position myself as expert. So there's a disconnect between who you are in real life versus who you are on social. But reality is, social media is just another way of how we show up, whether it's in person or virtually. So I highly suggest that if you show up on social, you do show up with your personality, because that is going to allow you to make better connection and deeper that meaningful relationship. Tip number three of how to leverage this is number three.

Michelle :

Tip number three of how to leverage a small audience for a bigger result is you want to focus on the result, right, the relationship building, and not so much of how many I can reach out to in order to satisfy my number, in order to meet my number, in order to meet my goal. So, instead of thinking that I need to grow my audience, focus on what you currently have. A lot of us do so much because we're thinking this is not enough. But what if, with a shift of mindset, you're looking at it from the abundance perspective? Right, what you have is already enough. Now, what can you leverage from what you already have, even with just 10 people on your list, even with just one person. If you can inspire one person on your list, then your job is done right. That one person becomes your loyal fan. That person is going to go out and tell your story and that person is going to promote your business for you even when you're not there. And when you build that connection with just that one person, now you have grew your size to two people who's talking about your business yourself and that person that you continue to build relationship with. And so, if you think about now, I'm only using two, two people. So hopefully you're having more conversation with other people and that number just multiply right. So you always want to nurture that relationship, build that bond, so that someone else can tell you a story for you, that someone else can tell your story for you even when you are not there, and that is the power of having a small audience to reach a big result Now.

Michelle :

So I want you to ask yourself, if your audience stays the same next year, how would you maximize your impact with the people who's already on your list, whom you already have? What would you do differently from this year? Okay, now let's talk about reimagining this potential, this list. Now, if you, your impact comes from how well you show up, serve and connecting. So if you stop focusing on the number, you stop focusing on oh, I need to post so many times in order to get this number. I need to reach out to this many people in order to do this. What if all you focus on is how I am going to show up with my powerful message and I'm going to deliver that so that someone else will remember, carry with them, so that when they leave the room, they can continue to tell my story for me?

Michelle :

Now, if this idea resonates with you, stick around, because I have some upcoming training session that will dive deeper into how you can leverage what you already have to grow a business that feels really aligned and becomes so impactful that you would not believe how easy it is. And you get to do this beyond social, and I'll just leave you the sneak peek on that. You will be seeing more of this information coming up in the next couple of weeks, but as we wrap up, here's the takeaway I want you to walk away with today. If you have a small audience, small is not a limitation. It's actually an opportunity your opportunity to build that trust, create deeper connection and grow your business in ways that actually feel personal and impactful.

Michelle :

And in the beginning I talked about the story of how I only have 200 followers across all my social media platform. But those two small mighty lists it helped me to create bonds that a lot of these coaches that I have served. They continue to stay in my world. They continue to talk about my business even when I am not there. So just think about it and think about how you can use that and leverage it in your business. And stop thinking about I need to have a Facebook group of 3,000 followers in order to reach to a six to seven figure coaching business. That is not true.

Michelle :

If you love this episode, share it with a friend. Or who's stressing over getting the follower count, or they're trying to grow a Facebook group but they're not getting any traction. And don't forget to sign up to get my newsletter, because in that newsletter I send out a lot of tips and strategies that's going to help you to actually implement these steps in growing a thriving coaching business. Until next time, keep showing up, keep connecting and remember you don't need a massive follower in order to have a massive impact. The world needs your brilliance, just as you are.

Michelle :

Thank you for listening to Make it Visible podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money, filling the gaps in your marketing strategies, creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love to wake up to. Head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and grab a free strategy audit today.

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