Make It Visible
You’re full of amazing coaching skills, ideas, and a desire to make a difference, but marketing your coaching biz isn’t your thing?
Meet Michelle, your business bestie who knows exactly how to help coaches like you get seen, get heard, and get paying clients.
No more feeling invisible. Let’s make marketing easy-peasy and magical.
Make It Visible
#202: Why Information Overload is Holding You Back From Moving Forward
If you’re overwhelmed by strategies, guides, and too much information, this episode is for you.
Discover why sometimes, the real key to getting clients isn’t more knowledge—it’s clarity and the courage to invest in the right guidance.
This is your reminder that building momentum is possible, and it starts with closing a few tabs and taking your first step forward.
Drop me a line and share your thoughts!
Meet Your Host:
Hey there! I’m Michelle Kui—Visibility Marketing and Speaker Success Coach.
I’m the founder of Elevate LifeCoaching, where I help coaches like you build a stand-out brand, attract high-quality 5-6 figure clients, and land paid speaking gigs—all by leveraging the #1 most important asset in your business (hint: it’s not JUST social media!).
My Journey into Public Speaking & Visibility
My speaking journey started early—at 9 years old when my dad voluntold me to enter a speech contest (thanks, Dad!). Since then, I became the go-to speaker whenever someone needed a voice on short notice.
From leading corporate workshops to running training sessions, I thrived where most people froze—grabbing the mic while others sat back, hoping not to get called on.
After working with hundreds of coaches, I realized a HUGE missing piece that most entrepreneurs completely overlook—and it’s the #1 strategy top coaches use to grow their business, attract premium clients, and get booked on bigger stages.
Are you using it? If not, let’s change that. 🚀
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Okay, ladies, do me a favor when you open up your desktop, just count how many tabs on your browser do you have open. Are you doing it? Are you counting your tabs? Can you actually count how many tabs you have open? If you're ready to close those tabs, simplify your path and start seeing the actual results in your coaching business, then this episode is for you. I believe this is a hidden trap that keeps a lot of coaches from gaining tractions in their business. So if you've been feeling that, having millions and billions of open tab, endless strategies, information overload and yet your business is not going anywhere, pay attention. This episode is going to change that.
Michelle Kuei:Hey, you're listening to Make it Visible podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kui. I am a visibility marketing coach and soon to be your business bestie in the coaching business world. Not knowing how to connect with your audience, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So buckle up, ladies, let's get started.
Michelle Kuei:So a couple of months back, I was visiting a friend who happens to be a wellness coach. She flew in from Northern California and we ended up having this conversation that was going on like really honestly about each other's how we built our coaching business and because she and I are both inside a mastermind and we were talking and she was helping me in terms of what are some of the things that you guys might be going through and we're reflecting back on how we started. My friend, she works with women who's going through perimenopause. So maybe some of you might resonate with this because you're also in that helping women shedding those extra pounds without the dieting and I know a lot of my community members are also within this health and wellness industry or health and wellness niche, so you might resonate with this. So, anyway, so, my friend, she works with women who's going through perimenopause and she's helping them to shed those stubborn pounds without the dieting or without any dieting, pounds without the dieting or without any dieting and so she has this incredible gift of using hypnosis and she really has a genuine passion for helping her client and I remember we were talking and we were actually doing some recording about how she got started with her niche and all that, and she was sharing her story and it was just very emotional. It made me. It brought my tears when I heard her story, but as we were talking, she shared something that I thought it would really resonate with many of you who's listening, and this is what she said. She said when she first started out and she was doing that, what so many of us are doing she spent hours upon hours researching, watching YouTube. She's had videos, download free, guide and tested every single strategy on this fund, and so she even changed her niche several times because it just wasn't resonating. And I'm sure you can resonate with this as well, and honestly, I was going through the same process. I had changed my niche so many times that it's just hard to count.
Michelle Kuei:Anyway, the way that she was describing was she had these browsers and the tabs was just long. She had every single tab that's open, and so it almost looks like a conspiracy theory, like a pinboard or a court board where the tab is just scattered everywhere and there's no clear direction whatsoever in sight. And she's learning. She's constantly learning, and I think that's a blessing and also a curse for a lot of coaches. We're into learning, we're into personal development journey. So we're always open to learn.
Michelle Kuei:But eventually she hit a wall after watching so many YouTube videos, downloading so many guides and trying everything under the sun, like I said, but all the information didn't actually move her forward. It actually made her feel stuck. So, when you open your desktop, when you look at the tabs that you have currently on your desktop, are you feeling that you're moving forward or are you looking at these tabs and feeling stuck? And I think that's a very important image. That's a very important image, feeling idea to actually think about. If you have so many tabs that's open. You have done so many research, training, video, masterclasses, webinar you attended, and yet it still makes you feel that you don't have it all together.
Michelle Kuei:That was my friend. That was my friend and he pulled the trigger for her, and so she took a big step. She decided to hire a coach and she invested over $10,000 to get clarity, to get guidance, to actually see what is she missing, and so as she paused, it almost brought tears into her eye. I could see like it was very emotional for her and then coming to this far. So she's working with one-on-one clients and she has a course that's happening. She's launching, coming this far, and she was telling me how this endless research didn't bring her anywhere.
Michelle Kuei:It wasn't until she actually started to work with somebody and that totally makes sense on all the things that she has learned, and this is it made me think about, like all the clients I've served A lot of them they've been doing research and less tabs like she did, and it wasn't going anywhere until they finally came to my program and we started working together. And then finally, like just recently, I was on the call and recently there's a client who came on to the call and she was like Michelle, you've been telling me for all this year this is how you do it, this is what you do, this is how you do it, this is what you do, this is how to resolve this. It finally clicked, it finally dawned on me why this makes sense, and I'll go through that and we have different progress and journey that we all have to take, but it's encouraging to hear that there's actually a system and strategies that you can use. That makes all perfect sense, right? Whatever that you have learned, you have watched all these training videos or doing the research with yourself it all makes sense, but it wasn't until someone actually pieced all these pieces for you together that you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, that you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. And so for my friend, she ended up spending $10,000 to actually work with somebody to tie all the pieces together, which she already has these skills and she's already having these knowledge, but none of it. It's like you spread out a big box, a piece of puzzle, all over on the table, but you're not seeing the big picture. You may have already learned the skill, but until someone actually take the piece and put it together for you, it wasn't until then that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And it's sad but it's true. You need someone to put that into perspective for you so that you can see how this works and that my friend worth $10,000.
Michelle Kuei:And so, as I was listening to her, I was reflecting on my own journey. So what is really different about me, my approach, is that I am an action taker. I don't sit there. I have my pieces of puzzle here in front of me. I knew immediately that there's no way I can solve sit there, I have my pieces of puzzle here in front of me I knew immediately that there's no way I can solve this puzzle, so I need somebody. So when I started out my coaching business and hopefully I'm hoping that by sharing my journey and my friend's journey, that it's going to inspire you to think about where are you and just really truly reflecting on your own personality Are you someone who just wants to wait until you see the evidence and see the proof that this is going to work? Or are you someone who is really willing to take the risk without seeing the result, without seeing the outcome and trusting that whatever that you're doing is going to make sense once you have that bigger picture, once you have that perspective in place? And so here's why I'm different from my friend, who's the wellness coach.
Michelle Kuei:And so when I started out my coaching business journey, I knew immediately I need to make it work. I was really burned out. I was done in my previous job and so I didn't want to spend another hours and opening all these tabs and doing research myself. I don't want to spend like years just trying to figure this and putting the puzzles together and spinning in circle. So what I did instead was I went straight into working with a mentor right from the start, and that was a single decision that made all the difference for me, because I didn't have to wait until oh, how do I charge, or what program do I put together, or what is my niche? I jumped right into figuring out. So it saved me tons of years of testing, trial and error.
Michelle Kuei:And I don't want to narrow it down. I don't want to put myself in the box. I basically put myself into a box right away. What it got me was time. I saved so much time for not having to go through and doing research myself, and I think that's a very unique perspective and distinction between me and my wellness coach friend, because she knew that this is important for her, but she'd rather do some research on her own, watching some training video. But if you think about the outcome, we're all going to get there eventually.
Michelle Kuei:But the difference between someone who's actually an action taker versus someone who's taking the time to doing the research and making sure that I am seeing the result first before I can actually put in more investment it's time. Our time is very limited. The time that we have on this planet, on this earth, is very limited. I am not someone who's willing to waste any more time. I don't have another year to trying to figure this out, which is why I took action right away. I hired a mentor coach. I need you to tell me exactly what I need to do, what steps I need to take in order to get there. The rest of it I can research on my own right, but initially it was that initial step. So how do I get there? Show me how I will figure out the rest right.
Michelle Kuei:So there's a big distinction between whether you wanted to do the research on your own and finally realize that you can do it on your own, and then you hire someone which think about the time that you have already wasted, versus someone who's more like an action taker, who jump in, and it saves a lot of time a shorter amount of time that you spend having to try and figure it out. And so I didn't have hundreds of tabs. That was open. I didn't have endless planning. I was. I knew what I wanted to do, I did it and I was so one of the things that my mentor coach said that I love working with you because I gave you an idea and you just run with it, and that's exactly how I operate. I have an idea, figure out what the steps I need to take and I run with it. I don't wait for to see the evidence of oh, is this? I don't do the overthinking, and so here's the takeaway. Right? Here's the takeaway I want to leave you today is that sometimes the biggest thing that's holding you back it's not the lack of knowledge.
Michelle Kuei:You have plenty of knowledge. I'm sure, like many of you, have already gone through watching video, tutorial and training video, attended masterclass or webinar. It's overwhelming. It's overwhelming and it's too much information. When you are feeling that information overload, with all these tabs that's open, you don't even know which information is important for you to actually get started. So what you actually need it's not more information. What you need is clarity, guidance and taking the right steps forward so that you don't have hundreds of tabs that's open, because endless research is not going to get you to anywhere, that you don't have hundreds of tabs that's open because endless research is not going to get you to anywhere that you want to go.
Michelle Kuei:So if you're hesitating, if you spend this whole entire 2024 thinking about maybe I should hire somebody, or maybe that's a big investment I cannot make. Think about, as the year progressed and 2025 comes along. There's a lot of uncertainty in 2025. And if that money that you have, you're holding on because you're just trying to figure things out with hundreds halves and trying to put all the pieces together, that same amount of investment it's not going to be the same in 2025. It's not right. Let's be realistic. That same dollar value is not going to be the same in 2024 versus 2025.
Michelle Kuei:And I get the fact that there's a lot of like fear, uncertainty and people are trying to be very conservative in the way that we spend, the way that we invest in ourselves. But if you, I remember I was watching one of the video that Gary Vee had put out and he was talking about EFT back during the COVID time, when EFT was like really the hot commodity and everyone, like all the news and headlines, were going to EFT. And there are some, some people who jump, jump straight into T without knowing the risk, without knowing the outcome, without knowing anything. And those are the people, if you look at the people, who are willing to take the risk, those are the people who become successful, no matter what they do, because they're willing to take that risk without knowing the outcome of what that risk is. Most of the people who are successful on the top 1%, those are the people who's willing to take that step, take that leap without actually seeing the result first, and that's a big distinction between I believe it's a big distinction between amateur versus a pro. A pro will look at the risk, look at the assessment, but they don't do too much of the overthinking. They're willing to take that risk, knowing that business itself is a risk.
Michelle Kuei:So if you've been hesitating to actually hire somebody, I really think that this is a great time to truly invest in yourself and work with someone who can cut out so much the trial and error and get you moving faster. The faster that you're getting off the ground, the better you are. Historically, this is how it works in business the faster, the more innovative idea that you have, the risk that you're willing to take to be that pioneer or be that first person to actually go into it. Usually you end up you get rewarded at the end because there's nobody else doing it. So think about what you want to do.
Michelle Kuei:Maybe it's time to put down all those free guide, close all the tabs and start focusing on some real actionable steps. What is it that you need to take? What is it that you actually need? Is it more information, or is it someone guiding you, putting all these things that you have learned, watched, attended? Put them all into perspective for you, whether it's finding a mentor, coach or maybe committed to a strategy, and just stick with it.
Michelle Kuei:Sometimes, the clear path forward is really exactly what you need to finally get some traction in your business. Okay, thank you so much for listening today and if you're ready to take more action action tips or inspirational story about building your coaching business make sure to subscribe to Make it Visible podcast so that you don't miss any of the episodes. And until next time, keep moving forward, keep taking action and let's make your coaching business a success. Take care Bye. Thank you for listening to Make it Visible podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money, filling the gaps in your marketing strategies, creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love to wake up, to Head over to elevate life coachingorg and grab a free strategy audit today.