Make It Visible

#201: 3 Fast-Action Strategies to Attract Coaching Clients Now!

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In this episode, I'm spilling the tea on 3 powerful strategies to help you fill up your client roster FAST! 

From leveraging your personal network to connecting with audiences through workshops and making a strong impact on social media, each tip is designed to bring you closer to your next paying client.

Key Takeaway: 

  • Your next client might already know you—reach out and let them know what you offer.
  • Workshop or presentation to showcase your expertise and build trust with potential clients but do you have what it 
  • Consistent, value-driven content on the right platform can quickly attract the clients you want - do you know why you're on social media?

FREE Resource Mention In This Episode:
Book A Clarity Call To Learn More About "The Signature Talk Blueprint"

#1 Strategy That Top Coaches Use To Generate Thousands Download HERE

About Me:

Hey There! I’m Michelle! Your Visibility Marketing Coach, content and Email Marketing Strategist, Motivational Speaker, Author (…And soon to be your new business bestie!)

I’m an international speaker, Visibility Marketing Coach, and founder of Elevate LifeCoaching.

I help coaches like yourself to build your brand, attract high-quality 5-6 figure clients, and land paid speaking gigs.

I’ve been public speaking since I was 9 years old.

My dad helped me draft my first speech and signed me up for a contest. (Yep, voluntold!)

And since then, I’ve been the go-to person whenever someone needed a speaker on short notice.

At work, I was the one presenting, running workshops, and leading training sessions.

While everyone else stayed quiet, palms sweating, hoping not to get called on, I was the one grabbing the mic and taking the lead.

After working with hundreds of coaching clients to help them boost their visibility and market their businesses, I realized there’s a HUGE missing piece most coaches overlook.

This is the #1 strategy top coaches use to grow their coaching business. are you using it?


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Michelle :

All right, welcome back to another episode of Make it Visible podcast. Today we are going to talk about something that every coach wants to know how do you get clients fast? And this is a very common question for a lot of my own clients and also coaches I encounter where they're struggling to get clients either consistently or having clients to actually scale their coaching business. I'm your host, michelle. If you are new to me, I help coaches like yourself to build a visible, profitable coaching business day and night. If you're looking to attract client quickly, and you are in the right place, I am going to share three powerful strategies that you can use to start implementing right away, and these three strategies will get you coaching client fast. We're going to cover this three proven way of attracting client quickly. So, before we get started, if you have not subscribed to the podcast yet, I totally appreciate you. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button and subscribe, and also, at the end of the episode, I hope that you leave me a review.

Michelle :

Hey, you're listening to Make it Visible podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kuei. I am a visibility marketing coach and soon to be your business bestie in the coaching business world. Not knowing how to connect with your audience, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So buckle up, ladies, let's get started. Okay, strategy number one the fastest way to get coaching client. It's often right there in front of you your existing network, reaching out to friends, family, colleagues or anyone that you may know and trust you. Let them know about your coaching business and the type of clients that you're looking to help. So tapping into your inner circle is probably you're going to hear this over and over again and again until you finally do it, which a lot of us don't, because it's our friends, family and colleague and sometimes getting into that inner circle it's very uncomfortable.

Michelle :

I'll tell you a quick story. So when I first started out my coaching business, I knew I needed to tap into my friends family circle, but unfortunately I couldn't do that because I didn't want my boss to know that I actually had this side hustle of growing a coaching business. So I couldn't necessarily go into my inner circle with friends and family and colleagues. I could do it in a subtle way, but I don't want to get myself in trouble because I still need the job to pay my bill, and so I couldn't really tap into my existing network at all and it was something that I had to do like underneath the table and behind the curtain, so I couldn't really tap into that inner circle.

Michelle :

And so a lot of coaches who's? Maybe you're working in a corporate world or you have a nine to five job and you don't want your boss or you don't want your colleagues, because information leaks out. And so this strategy works up until some point, because then your circles start to run out, your circles start to run dry. Every person that you speak to probably already know that you are going to pitch them about your service anyway, but I think it's still a good way to start to begin from just within your network, starting by sharing that the fact that you're coaching coaching journey and this passion of yours and tell them about the transformation that you have received for yourself through coaching and how you are helping others to accomplish the same result. So that's a great way to get started. People love stories and when they see how passionate you are, they're more likely to connect with you and they're going to also more likely to connect you with others whom they might know, who can actually use your help. So asking your network for referrals, for connections, sometimes it's a great way to get going and even if they're not your ideal client, they can still know like maybe someone that they know so through word of mouth can be quite powerful through that personal referral and that could lead into a quick client connection.

Michelle :

One of the things that I don't like about tapping into your existing network is, first of all, like I said earlier, I couldn't really tap into my inner circle, because that inner circle means I have to let my colleagues know, I have to tell everybody at work and that is just like a no-no where I work. So I don't know about you. And if you'd like to leave me a comment or share your experience, I would love. There's a link right above. So if you share your experience, you text it to me. I will be sure to share with my audience what works for you. So that inner circle didn't work for me, particularly when I first starting out and I realized that my inner circle was pretty small. I didn't have.

Michelle :

I'm a huge introvert and as an introvert, I feel comfortable being by myself and I'm totally okay alone, doing things alone, and so the problem with that introvert a lot of times you run into is your circle is actually quite small. So you need to hook up with these extroverts so that you can expand your circle and extroverts love us because they really like that our quiet side. It's something that they've never experienced before and they love being around introverts. So you might want to get out there and start meeting some extroverts so that you can balance out and your extrovert can actually introduce and expand your network. But for an introvert it was such a huge struggle because I have a small network and this is something I shared the other day.

Michelle :

I was doing a webinar and I was talking about, I was reflecting back to the journey I was on and I remember when I first started out, my Instagram had 200 followers. All these 200 followers were my colleagues, friends and family and or people I had encountered because of my work, through my work, and it was just 200 people that I started with, or 300. And some of them were people I met in the gym or someone that I travel with, like Travel Body and things like that. So it was a very small network and these are the people that I did share. So I ended up dropping this big, fantastic email that I sent out and a lot of time I share with my students too. Like, if you're like sitting there and you're having this brain fog of not knowing where to start, how to ask your existing network and tell them about this journey, this amazing coaching journey you're on, I have this email template that you can use and this is exactly what I had used to start it to get people to know about the fact that I started a coaching business, and I actually got quite a lot of traction just through that email. Like people are replying back and they're like, oh, that's amazing, congratulations and things like that. And so I do have the template and I share that with my students. But I was reflecting back on that journey. Right, it worked. It definitely worked.

Michelle :

But I think it's because of the fact that sometimes, when people receive this type of message, there's already resistance Are you going to sell to me? This is not something I need. So people have that. They put their defensive mechanism on, and so it's really hard to actually get clients that way, right, you probably get one or two referrals, and sometimes that referral is great.

Michelle :

And if you're charging someone, there's a lot of strategy that's out there. Oh, you just get one or two clients per month and you charge high ticket and you're set for the entire month. If you think about that strategy, it totally works. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't charge more, you should. You should charge based on what you feel comfortable, based on what you believe your value, that you're delivering. All that is great.

Michelle :

But I think the struggle for a lot of new coaches, and even coaches within that first three years, is that you still have that underlying belief that I'm going to charge high. I have no problem charging high, but the people who's attracting to me because my messaging is still not quite sticky yet, and so the people that I'm attracting aren't willing to pay me that price they're not willing to actually spend that much amount of dollar, and when I do charge them, I feel greedy too. So there's that imposter syndrome, even if you do want to charge higher dollar, higher ticket. So there's a multiple layer of that issue of, oh, you can just get one or two clients per month and charge a high ticket and so you don't have to constantly look for clients. It's a great concept, but concept does not equate to strategy, does not equate to reality, right? Concept is just a concept, so concept needs system and strategy to back it up in order to actually make it work.

Michelle :

So, tapping into your existing network and hopefully through the word of mouth, it's going to help you to spray and create that momentum to start getting referral, getting connection. So here's your action step for strategy number one right, tapping into your existing network. So what you want to do is you want to take like maybe 10 minutes to make a list of people who's in your network who might benefit from your service, and you do this like just brainstorm, okay. So take 10 minutes to make a list of people in your network who might benefit from your service or who might know someone who could, and send them a quick message. Send them a quick message and let them know what you're doing and ask if they'll be open to share with their connection so it could be a text message that someone you know or someone you trust and just share your passion, share that this is something that you really like to do, you're passionate about it and ask them to see if they're willing to share with their connections or if they themselves would like to learn more about this, right? So that's how you get started. So that's your action step.

Michelle :

Just take 10 minutes, make a list of people in your network, and the list doesn't have to be long. It could be someone that's in a very close circle that you trust, a circle of your board of trustee. A lot of people like to call it a board of trustee. I like to call it your tribe. We all have our tribes, right, even the introvert. We have our tribes. So just go to your tribe and tell them about this passion that you have and see if they're willing to share with people. And so here's my warning If you don't get any traction, don't feel discouraged.

Michelle :

It's just the reality of it is right, because this process it can be quickly turning to a client or it could just be a very slow process, and sometimes the word of mouth is very dependable on whether or not the person actually that you're talking to actually understand why you're trying to convey, and that could be a roadblock a lot of time. If you're not clearly articulating the value to the person who's in front of you, that person may go home. That person may feel really confused. I don't know how to communicate this and you have to remember that if you're asking for the word of mouth or referral, you're relying on how this person that you're talking to is interpreting the value that you're going to deliver, right? So if that person doesn't understand the value that you're delivering, so that person is going to talk to someone else and that someone else is getting even more confused because how your board of trustee interpreting and articulating the message that you would like to translate is being mislabeled or miscarried or miscommunicated. And so the third person, let's say your potential client that your friend would like to refer you to. If that person is confused about the value that you're delivering through that word of mouth, then it makes perfect sense that you are not going to get the traction that you were hoping to get, right?

Michelle :

I talked about to some of my students when they're asking about the what is the best strategies in terms of tapping into the inner circle. This is totally on the house I'm going to, I'm going to give it to you right here, okay, so basically, how you want this to work, and this applies to when you go to networking event and networking meeting as well. What you want to do is you actually want that person. So let's say you have a potential client and you're talking to your board or trustee, your friend, whom you hope would help you to spread the word right. So, instead of going through this chain of command or this network of referral, what you want to do is actually get the contact for that potential client, and you yourself should be the person who's doing the outreach. You yourself should be doing the asking whether or not. Hey, I got your contact through.

Michelle :

So-and-so we have a mutual connection and this person share that something about what you're going through. Would you be open this is exactly who I help and would you be open to have a talk, have a chat? And so I share that in a very abbreviated way, but there's more to it, right, more strategy to it, because if I were that person and I'm getting a message like this, I would go back to my friend. I'm like hey, who did you get my contact to? So there's actually a better way to do this, but because of the time limit here on the podcast, I can only give you a shorter, abbreviated version. But that's how you want to do it because things get lost in the translation. Okay, things get lost in the translation. So, if you can do it firsthand, now the second way.

Michelle :

I spent so much so you can tell that I have a lot to share for this topic, right, how do you get coaching client fast? I this topic, right. How do you get coaching client fast? I spent so much time on just strategy number one. Okay, moving on to strategy number two. Strategy number two is one of my favorite and you'll hear me talking about this. I actually do one-on-one coaching on this and this is something that I have done over the last six years how I get coaching clients. And, in addition to that, I have, like, additional revenue that comes in because the strategy number two and those of you who's listening and you might be thinking, oh my gosh, I can never do that I would say that you're wrong. First of all, you're wrong and you are not looking at the bigger picture. You're looking at the fear-based mindset of what is it now, rather than thinking about what it could be.

Michelle :

Strategy number two is doing public speaking through workshops or presentation or your talk. Okay, it could be your keynote, it could be your workshop, something that you do consistently. You do presentation on a topic that you're demonstrating that's related to your expertise. So now let's talk about. This is and I talked about. Like a lot of you might be thinking oh my gosh, I can never do that, I'm afraid of public speaking. I'm afraid of speaking in public. Or some of you might be really excited about. I'm actually excited to speak in public, but I don't know how to Keep listening because I'm going to tell you exactly how this strategy works.

Michelle :

Okay, so let's talk about this. This is probably my favorite and the best way to establish your credibility, to actually get coaching clients fast. Now think about this You're sitting in the workshop, you're hosting the workshop, you're doing the presentation. You're up there on the stage delivering your talk. The workshop you're doing the presentation. You're up there on the stage delivering your talk, and there's that good opportunity of you being in that room, connecting with a room full of ideal clients sitting there listening to you, to the whole entire I don't know 45 minutes to an hour.

Michelle :

Some presentations are short, right, so if you're doing a keynote, it might just be 15 minutes or 20 minutes, but it's still a great opportunity for someone to demonstrate your expertise and being able to connect with that person inside the room in real time, and so the key here is you're doing this in real time. So, instead of doing a one-on-one discovery call, now you have a one-to-many strategy where you're delivering that high value discovery call almost inside a room, in real time. And so here's why it works right when you speak to a group of people, you're actually demonstrating your knowledge, your authority. People get to experience your coaching style firsthand. You could be calling out an audience, someone inside the room, and that person may share something that's very vulnerable, and you, right there, you're coaching that person through, and all these other people are watching you, observing you do, and all these other people are watching you, observing you. So you're positioning yourself as the expert and giving your audience the taste of transformation that you can offer. Now, how cool is that? How cool is that? So, instead of going out there and reaching out to individuals hoping that they're going to book a discovery call, if, by some reason, I have the ability to position myself on the stage in front of more people, then I have. Depending on the talk that I'm delivering, then I have the opportunity of connecting with each individual or inside the room and demonstrating my coaching philosophy, demonstrating my coaching skill, and by the time you before like a lot of time, it happens before you even get off the stage people are excited. They wanted to work with you, they wanted to book a call with you, they wanted to get started, because you inspire them so much that inside that room the energy is high, and so that is the fastest way that you can get coaching client.

Michelle :

How do you actually do this? Now, a lot of you might be thinking Michelle, great, but I don't have a niche. I don't know what I'm talking about. I have a niche, but I have no idea of what that talk would be. How do I even get started? Or how do I know where to look? How do I get speaking engagement? Do I do this for free? How much do I charge? So you have a lot of questions. I know. Trust me, I've been there in your shoes. How do you get started?

Michelle :

First of all, you don't need to have a huge audience to make this work right. You don't need to be on social media 24-7. You can have 200 followers. Who cares right? But this is a way not only to grow your audience, not only to grow your social media followers. It's also a great way to expand that network. So we talked about the first strategy is about tapping into your immediate circle, but this strategy allows you to expand that circle to reach to people who may have never saw you before, never know you before, and so you don't need to have a huge following or huge audience to make this work. So some of the places that I would encourage you to look into would be things like a local community group, some online platforms right Networking platform, or speaking virtually on a podcast or a virtual summit, just to get yourself started okay, just to get yourself started and I would highly suggest that it is aligned with your niche. Right, you can offer to be hosting free workshop.

Michelle :

One of the things I first started was I was hosting a free time management workshop to a local women's group here in my community, and that's how I got started in speaking, just to be familiar with how to do these workshops, how to organize things, what are some of the things and what's the setup? Do I need to have, like, maybe, some beverage on the side? What does that entail and how do I organize everything? So that's where I started, and what you want to do next is actually choosing a topic that address the key problem that your ideal client is facing. It almost sounds very familiar with finding your niche right, but this is easier because you could be talking about a variety of different things as long as you stick to a talk, and so this is something that I coach my clients and I do one-on-one coaching.

Michelle :

If you ever need to have a signature talk, develop for yourself whether you're doing it as a workshop presentation, online, whether you're doing this in person or offline, virtually you need to have a topic, a talk that people associate your name with. Right, it becomes your signature talk. It becomes your signature talk. It becomes your signature presentation. So, no matter where you go, you always pitch one topic of your signature talk and that's how people remember you as the authority, as the thought leader, as the person behind this topic. So, for example, in the past I had positioned myself when I first started. I positioned myself as the negative self-talk expert, right? So a lot of my talk centers around overcoming this self-doubt, building confidence, and that got me started, and a lot of women's groups started to invite me to do workshop and speaking engagement. So you want to create your own signature talk that make your stage presence stand out.

Michelle :

This is something that's really important because I see a lot of coaches. They speak on different topics or they have a methodology that they have learned. So I graduated from iPad coaching and one of the proprietary tools that we all receive was something called Energy Leadership Index Assessment, and it's a great assessment. It allows people to have this border view of the different lenses or perceptions that we all carry and how you choose depending on which perception that you use. Your experience of life may be different, and so it's a topic that is actually created in almost like a corporate world. So a lot of corporate folks love the tool because it's a great way, great presentation, great lunch and learn thing that you can bring into your workplace, to a corporate world.

Michelle :

But a lot of light coaches and power man coaches struggle to deliver this presentation, to deliver this workshop. Why? Because the material itself is very dry. How do you spin it so that it's actually fitted for your empowerment talk? And it's difficult. It's challenging because a lot of the language that they have used and presented it's more fit for the corporate world, and so when I saw that struggle and the first thing I did was I spin it to tailor to the empowerment because I speak a lot of women's empowerment workshops and presentation, so I completely reworded it in how I want to present this.

Michelle :

So here's what I want you to think about for this topic this strategy right, public speaking through workshops and presentation. For this topic, this strategy right, public speaking through workshops and presentation. I'm telling you this is the fastest way to position yourself in front of your ideal client, and you are in the same room as they are. And so here's my action step that we encourage you to take this week is to brainstorm a topic that you would like to present and think about. What are some of the groups that you can reach out to that could benefit from hearing on your expertise, even if they don't book you right away? I want you to make a list of where are these people, where are these groups or organizations that might benefit from the topic that you're talking to?

Michelle :

Now, if you don't have a signature talk that makes you stand out from other speakers, other presenters, other workshop delivery or workshop experts, then I want you to actually grab a call on my calendar. We need to talk about how to create one for yourself, because in my six years of professional speaker experience, I can tell you that when people book speakers, they're looking for experts, they're looking for thought leader, they're looking for someone who already has an established expertise, who knows what they're doing, and it's rather very hard and difficult to get your foot into the door when you don't have a signature talk or you don't know how to present yourself, you don't have the speaker profile put together. These are becoming like your roadblocks. How you actually get your foot into the door and if this is something that you would like to work on, definitely grab a spot on my calendar. I'm doing this one-on-one coaching. I'll walk you through everything that you need to actually be someone who has a signature talk, who's able to book your speaking engagement, who's able to actually book clients even before you get off the stage. All right, so that's strategy number two. So brainstorm the topic that you would like to present on and think about all the places and group and organization that would benefit from hearing from your topic. Okay, strategy number three is actually something I've been telling everybody on this podcast and also within my community. I keep telling everybody, no matter which niche you're in or which strategy you use, you need to start using social media to showcase your expertise.

Michelle :

Expertise If I don't know you, I won't come to you, right? Because it's a very accessible platform. Everybody do Google, everybody do search and where do people like even the event coordinator or event planner? Where do they look? They go to your LinkedIn. They go to your social media. They go to your Instagram. They look, they check you out to see if you're someone who's legitimately who said you are right. Like a lot of people that I had a lot of the event that I have spoken at a lot of time, their event planner would go to my social media first before they go to my website, or vice versa, they'll go to my website and then go check out my social media.

Michelle :

But your online presence, online world, it's like you're basically your ticket, your gatekeeper, to ensure that you have that authority, you have that credibility and no, you don't need to have a massive following, but it's about how, your overall presentation. So you definitely want to leverage your social media presence to showcase your expertise. Are you publishing regularly? Are you posting regularly? One of the tips I encourage everyone in my community to do is actually just to pick one or two platforms, and it doesn't matter where you picked it right. It's Instagram, linkedin, facebook. Just make sure that whatever that you share is actually highlighting and showcasing your expertise, and they need to be consistent. You can't be like someone oh, I'm going to post it this week or I'll just wait till next month because I don't feel like it. You need to start posting consistently so that people have this view of why you are, who you are and what you are, what you say you are, and so all this is going to help you to have strategy number one and number two work.

Michelle :

Right, if you don't have that social media presence in the first place, like, where can I find out more about you? No place, right, and most some of you don't even have a website, so where can I learn more about you? If I just wanted to stalk you a little bit, I can't. So this is something strategy number three is tied into strategy number one and two, and it should be all the things that you do so that you have a way of getting people to find you. What are some of the things that you do so that you have a way of getting people to find you? What are some of the things that you can post on your social media, like your video tip, especially if you want to use strategy number two. Right, people want to see how you talk, how you present, so do some short videos. And it's also a great way to practice if you're afraid of speaking in public, because that takes. The more practice that you have, the more the less fear that you have about messing it up. You're going to have Q&A session. You can share your clients' success. You can share your own story.

Michelle :

Go live is a fantastic way to engage your audience, but nowadays, because the algorithm is out of whack, even if you go live, sometimes you might not get the traction that you were hoping to have. Now you can stick to it and just don't worry about the numbers. Or you can do like a training session or training video or do recorded. Whatever that you do, what you want is actually a consistency. If you're going to do live, then consistently do live. If you're going to do recorded video, then consistently just do recorded video. Then consistently just do recorded video. Right, there's no right or wrong and which way is working better, as long as you have that consistency. The consistency is about you showing up for your audience and not so much consistency of oh, I need consistency in order for this algorithm to work. Don't worry about the algorithm. Forget about the algorithm. Toss that out of the door, because the more that you worry about it, the less likely you're going to actually do it. So, and you also want to remember that there's.

Michelle :

So this is something that I teach, and there's actually a social media planner that I included, and inside that planner, what I have included is a content framework. The content framework reminds you what are the things that need to, the key talking points that you need to hit in order for the social media content to work right. And on that framework I had included to make sure that at the end of your pose or your live session, you always want to include a call to action. It may not be always like booking a call. It could be something else that you encourage your audience to do so that they know exactly what the next step would be. And so I have that framework. If you need it, I'm going to share a link down below this episode so that you can download it.

Michelle :

So the action step I want you to take for this particular strategy is I want you to go ahead and plan out your next three social media posts. Go ahead and download that social media content plan and what I want you to do is plan out your next three social media posts. I want you to focus on just delivering the value and be sure to include a call to action. Right, follow that framework. There's a framework worksheet inside that planner. Follow that framework. There's a framework worksheet inside that planner. Follow that framework and just make sure that you include a call to action. And you want to do this for every post that you share.

Michelle :

Now, there is no right number of posts, but I highly recommend I tell all my students is that you want to do at least three times a week to post so that your audience get a sense of who you are. You're showing up almost every single day. Right, three posts is not that much. Three posts is not that much. Can we just all agree on it? Three posts is not that much, and especially now that you have my content planner, three posts should not be something that you struggle with. Okay, let me just put it out there. Three posts should not be something that you struggle with. Okay, let me just put it out there. Three posts is not that much. So I want you to plan out your next three social media posts using that content framework and make sure that you include a call to action.

Michelle :

All right, so let's recap what we talked about today. Let's wrap it up. So we talked about the three fastest way to attract your coaching client, no matter where you are on this coaching business journey. You might be someone who's just starting out, or you're ready to scale, you're ready to have more clients coming in Something you might have overlooked, right? Maybe you overlooked the fact that public speaking is such a great way to leverage in your coaching business that allow you to scale to a place where you never had imagined. So what are those three fastest ways that I shared today? Number one is to tap into your existing network. This is the inner circle that a lot of people are talking about. You're going to hear about this over and over.

Michelle :

It was not the best strategy for me. No, nothing personal, but it's not my favorite and I truly believe that if you want your coaching business to scale, to grow, that is not the best strategy. Number two, however hosting workshop and presentation is one of my favorite way and I think it is really the best way to scale and grow your coaching business, and that is my favorite way. And, surprisingly, it actually opened up another revenue channel for you that you never thought about. That it was possible, right? Because you can get paid for speaking A lot of coaches I know they do this for free. Oh, I'm just going to go and talk at this place and I'll just deliver a workshop and hopefully I'll get clients. No, what if you get paid to do the workshop and you get coaching client? That's another extra revenue that you're like totally missing out when you said no. Second strategy is definitely my favorite and my best hosting a workshop or presentation and get paid and also get coaching client out of it. And the third strategy I share is leveraging social media to showcase your expertise. No matter which strategy that you pick, I hope the third strategy is something that you always incorporate in your coaching business, in your marketing, because that third strategy is really it's a long-term gain. It's going to give you a short-term win, but it also it's the best way to actually do it. It's a long-term strategy, right? So each of these strategies is going to allow you to connect with your potential client in a more meaningful way and, best of all, you can start implementing today, right now.

Michelle :

All right, we're at the end of the hour. We're at the end of the hour. We're at the end of the episode. What I want you to do is actually it's time to take action. Pick one of the strategies and get started today.

Michelle :

Whether it's about reaching out to someone within your network or planning your workshop or posting on your social media, the key here is you need to take that first step. If you're someone who's been thinking about, you need to have a talk, you need to have a workshop, you need to have a presentation that would allow you to be in front of people and I'm not saying in front of a lot of people. If you want to, you can. But even just to be in front of people and you don't like social media, then I would encourage you to book a call book, a strategy call book, clarity. Call with me and we can talk about how to create your signature talk. That would allow you to build your authority, be in front of people and actually book your client and, in addition to that, something that you may not have thought about is actually getting paid to speak, okay, so all that is possible when you have that signature talk. So go ahead and grab a spot on my calendar. Let's talk about creating your own signature talk.

Michelle :

And if you want more tips on growing your coaching business day in and day out, make sure to subscribe my podcast and also my newsletter If you wanted to get some additional tip to send out to you. You'll get some inside strategies and actionable advice, including also content that you might not see anywhere else in my social media. Just go ahead and click on that link down below to subscribe to my newsletter, and I send out newsletter regularly, so you're not going to miss anything that I share inside my community. All right, thank you so much for listening. If you found this episode valuable and helpful, be sure don't forget to subscribe and share it with a fellow coach.

Michelle :

There's a lot of coaches out there who are like scrambling around trying to figure out they might have Google somewhere. Oh, this might work. Well, honey, if Google works, you wouldn't be where you are today, right? No offense and welcome Welcome to the community, because you're not alone, right? Sometimes, just by Googling, it won't work. So until next time, keep shining and make your coaching business visible. I will talk to you next week. Thank you for listening. To Make it Visible podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money, filling the gaps in your marketing strategies, creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love to wake up to. Head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and grab a free strategy audit today.

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