Make It Visible
You’re full of amazing coaching skills, ideas, and a desire to make a difference, but marketing your coaching biz isn’t your thing?
Meet Michelle, your business bestie who knows exactly how to help coaches like you get seen, get heard, and get paying clients.
No more feeling invisible. Let’s make marketing easy-peasy and magical.
Make It Visible
#200: Momentum Made Easy: The One-Hour Morning Ritual for Coaches
In this episode of Make It Visible, we’re diving into the "Power Hour" – a simple, one-hour morning ritual that can transform your productivity and keep you on track with your coaching goals.
I’ll guide you through structuring this focused hour to prioritize tasks, boost momentum, and stay consistent.
Discover why this daily habit is perfect for coaches who want to make steady progress without feeling overwhelmed.
Plus, I’ll share practical tips for implementing this ritual, the tools to maximize its impact, and how to hold yourself accountable.
Drop me a line and share your thoughts!
Meet Your Host:
Hey there! I’m Michelle Kui—Visibility Marketing and Speaker Success Coach.
I’m the founder of Elevate LifeCoaching, where I help coaches like you build a stand-out brand, attract high-quality 5-6 figure clients, and land paid speaking gigs—all by leveraging the #1 most important asset in your business (hint: it’s not JUST social media!).
My Journey into Public Speaking & Visibility
My speaking journey started early—at 9 years old when my dad voluntold me to enter a speech contest (thanks, Dad!). Since then, I became the go-to speaker whenever someone needed a voice on short notice.
From leading corporate workshops to running training sessions, I thrived where most people froze—grabbing the mic while others sat back, hoping not to get called on.
After working with hundreds of coaches, I realized a HUGE missing piece that most entrepreneurs completely overlook—and it’s the #1 strategy top coaches use to grow their business, attract premium clients, and get booked on bigger stages.
Are you using it? If not, let’s change that. 🚀
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Today we are going to talk about a very sensitive topic, which is your daily accountability booster, and this is something that I see a lot of my clients who are struggling with getting themselves accountable with all the ideas and things that they wanted to do in their coaching business, but yet somehow, when they actually go about implementing it, there's something that's just missing. So today I am going to share one single, most effective tip that you can start implementing today and that's going to help you to stay on track, keep yourself accountable and also keep that momentum going as you're progressing and developing your growing your coaching business. So let's get started. Hey, you're listening to Make it Visible podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kuei. I am a visibility marketing coach and soon to be your business bestie in the coaching business world. Not knowing how to connect with your audience, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So buckle up, ladies, let's get started.
Michelle:Okay, so back in the day when I first started out my coaching business, I found myself constantly putting off things, that's, most important tasks. I would have a list of to-dos and somehow I could just not get to it. I usually get very distracted by the emails that comes in. Or checking social media. I find myself scrolling to to all social and I have these great idea of oh, that looks like a great idea. I wanted to do that, I want to try it out, and so I start planning, and I noticed that very quickly, within that first couple of months when I became a solopreneur, I find myself having a list of to-do but none of them are really getting checked off, and so I'm a huge planner addict. Those of you who also love and planning, drop it into the comment. Let me know if this is something that you do too.
Michelle:I have endless copies of planners and I usually carry planner with me all the time. So I would write all my tasks, all my to-dos, and plan out the whole entire month of stuff that I plan to do, the ideas I have into that paper planner. So when I started to think about wait, I have so many things to do, so many ideas, I want to try a workshop. I want to try like, maybe doing more speaking. I want to pitch to this place, I want to be on podcast, I want to create this offer. I have this amazing idea of what I can do in a coaching business, in my one-on-one coaching, with a group coaching. So I end up collecting these ideas and sometimes what I'll do is I will even go as far as implementing them by trying it out, put it on my calendar. I talk about hey, I'm opening three spots for my one-on-one coaching, I'm looking for five clients, five people who want to work on this together, and it would just go from month to month and there's no system whatsoever.
Michelle:I noticed that it wasn't the accountability that I was needed. It was actually the implementation of these plans and idea that I came up with. So I try set aside focus time, I try a Pomodoro method. So basically, you set a timer to 45 minutes, right? So you have a power session, you work for the first maybe half an hour, you take a break for 15 minutes, come back and you do it again. So I try a lot of different methods, even prioritize my tasks, but I wasn't seeing any results. I was doing a lot of busy work, but I wasn't seeing any results. So it finally dawned on me what is it that I need to do in order to be more productive, in order to have that momentum, in order to feel that I'm actually accomplishing something and that something is leading to the result with the amount of effort and energy I put into my work? So here's why there's so many different methods, and I'm sure if you Google it, you're going to come up with tons of different ideas. But my goal is really to simplify this for you.
Michelle:I know a lot of coaches are looking for accountability partners or groups that you can join, but the problem with that is there's no accountability within that group. So sometimes people would meet and, depending on the group dynamic, you might not find the best person to be partnered with, or that person's life drift them away, and now you're stuck with having an accountability partner who needs the accountability, and it just becomes this vicious cycle of being a solopreneur and you don't have any schedule or routine to stick to, because now there's nobody behind your back and saying hey, michelle, this is at certain hour, I need you to have this completed task or at this deadline, you need to turn that in. There is no such thing as that, and so you're building your coaching business as you go by yourself, and so how do you create that routine? So this is why having accountability, or a daily accountability, is the key right. You often work on your own and without anybody checking in on you for the progress, so you can easily fall into that procrastination. And life happens. Let's face it, life happened.
Michelle:There's so many events, elections going on, there's tragedy happening everywhere, and our energy gets shifted and drifted away. So, instead of focusing on what would actually lead you to the result, we easily put it off, and that becomes procrastination. Not only just that, but sometimes our perfectionism also step into the way, and the way that I see it is perfectionism is really the advanced level of procrastination. So, basically, we're just procrastinating instead of achieving the goals that we are here to accomplish. So, in order to hold yourself accountable, you have to stick to your commitment, right, and maybe it's setting the intention on a daily basis. You're going to sit down and you're going to think about why is it that this coaching business seems important to you and maybe it isn't. Maybe at this point of the stage, that's not on your priority list. That's completely okay, right? Give yourself the permission to say you know what, building a coaching business is really not my priority and I'm okay with that. And you have to be okay with it, right? You can't be coming back and say, oh, I wish I had really just stick with it and actually go for it and implement it and do whatever that Michelle had said to do. So you have to be okay with letting it go and not letting it to be your priority if it's not your priority. If it is your priority, then it takes the commitment to actually wanting to do it and that means you make that as your priority on a daily basis. And how do you hold yourself accountable? Come up with a method, come up with affirmation or things that you can connect to on a daily basis that you said to yourself okay, no matter what happened in the world or in my life or in my surrounding, I'm going to stay focused, dedicating this much of hour on a daily basis to build my coaching business. So it brings me to something that's called a power hour.
Michelle:What is a power hour? So power hour is a great way to hold yourself accountable on a daily basis. Hour is a great way to hold yourself accountable on a daily basis and it takes you. Basically it takes everything. It removes every distraction that you have in your life and you just focus on what's matter to you within that dedicated hour and that's a power hour. So the power hour is exactly what it sounds it's one hour of focused, intentional work on your top priority things for that day.
Michelle:Now you may have tons of stuff on your to-do list, but there's always one thing that you want to do and that is on the top of your priority. Maybe it's writing a proposal to send to your client. That would be on the top of your priority list and that is what you're going to focus on in that one hour power hour. And you do that on a daily basis. Just one big task every single day. So it's like someone your boss coming into it by your desk and they say basically hey, michelle, I need it by the next hour. Do it, turn it in and you're done right. So that is the power hour. So it includes it may include something like content creation. I'm just going to sit down and I'm going to create content for the next hour and that's nothing else. I'm going to come step between me and the content creation. That is my dedicated power hour for that particular hour. Now that power hour could also be client outreach, so I'm going to connect with my client today during that power hour.
Michelle:That would be your task for that particular power hour and you just go for it and you dedicate all that hour just doing that one task. So each morning when you get up, what you're going to do is, before you dive into any other tasks, you're going to spend the 60 minutes just on that important thing. Okay? So that means no scrolling on social media, no opening up your email. You're going to stay focused and just do that one task within that one hour, a power hour. What you'll notice is, after you complete that one task, your momentum is probably increased, your energy is high, you actually feel motivated that you accomplished that big task and it's more likely for you to actually tackle all the other things that's on your to-do list. So, even though you just focus on that one focused task within that power hour, what you'll notice is your energy starts to build up, your momentum starts to kick in and it is more likely for you to finish the subsequent task in the way that you have never imagined before and you might find yourself end up completing all the to-do lists on that day. But that is the idea behind the power hour, is it helps to boost your energy up and keep yourself in. That momentum of here is my task and these are the things I'm going to do, and my energy is there. I'm already on this. I can finish this, no problem. So how do you implement this?
Michelle:Now, depending on if you're a morning person or you're a night person, you might find different time where you want to have this focus time implemented, right. Let's say, I have a friend who is a night person, night owl, and she's more productive during the night, so maybe it is something that she does in the afternoon when she get up or she take a nap and then she start putting that one hour focus time. Okay, pick a time that is best for you to have this power hour, and you don't have necessarily. It doesn't necessarily have to be in the morning, right? It just look at your current sleeping habit, your schedule. Are you a morning person, are you a night owl? And you wanted to work it around what feels right for you, and there's no set rules in terms of when that power hour needs to be.
Michelle:Some of us, we are more productive in the morning. So typically that is probably the first thing that I would do before I take any calls. So my first call typically on my calendar it starts at nine o'clock. So my power hour starts at eight o'clock, where I just focus on one task. So, for example, today it's all about creating my offer one-on-one coaching offer and I'm going to write out the proposal, write out the guideline, and that is going to help me to stay focused, so it helps me to stay connected within that hour. And then by nine o'clock comes, then I can take calls. My energy is already built up. I already. It's like my morning coffee, and sometimes I have morning coffee too when I do this power hour.
Michelle:So, depending on how you work, what your working habit is, that is how you incorporate your power hour. And the next thing I would say is to actually identify your priority. And this is something that I do the night before. So I don't just wait till the next morning to make a list of my to-do. I actually do it the night before I go to bed. So before I go to bed, I would look at all the tasks that has not been done on my planner and I'm going to write down or migrate. If you're bullet journal, hello Bujo, I would migrate all my tasks to the next day, to the following day, so that I know exactly when I, the moment I wake up, what are the tasks I need to do and what are the tasks that's on my priority to do. And that helps me to stay focused, because then, when I wake up in the morning, I'm not scrambling around and thinking, oh, what do I need to do today? I already have an idea, because I did this the night before, eliminating distractions.
Michelle:So a lot of us works better in a loud or busy environment. So maybe your office might be in a coffee shop, it might be where there's traffic around, or sometimes what even works for a lot of my clients is they actually put some music or distraction in the background so that they feel that they're not actually there doing the work alone, which is also a great tip. If you cannot leave your house or go to a local cafe or coffee shop, then having a background noise might help to stay focused. And I know a lot. Back in college I have this roommate who, no matter what she does, she would put the heavy metal music on at all times, but that is her background music and it helps her to distract the distraction, eliminating the distraction and so that she can focus on her work, which becomes a distraction for me, because I rather working alone in a quiet room where I am not interrupted, I am not being disturbed, so for me it actually worked the opposite.
Michelle:So you wanted to get into understanding what is your working habit and what works well for you. Some of us like to work in a noisy environment. Great, come up with a solution for that and place yourself in those situations where you can be surrounded by people or traffic or noise, so that you can actually focus on your work. Where, if you end up opposite, like me, I like in a quiet room, so I have no problem locking myself inside a room and just focus on the tasks I need to do.
Michelle:So these are the example and tips that we share with you during that power hour so that you can keep up and build the momentum that you need to accomplish all the things that you want to accomplish in building your coaching business. And hopefully these tips are helpful to you, and if you have any suggestions or maybe something has worked for you in the past, I would love for you to drop in the comment down below and share that with us, because there's someone out there who needs your information, who needs accountability, also the momentum so that they can keep going. So love for you to share in the comment down below. And until then, keep shiny, keep coaching. I will see you the next time.
Michelle:Thank you for listening to Make it Visible podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money, filling the gaps in your marketing strategies, creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love to wake up to. Head over to elevatelifecoachingorg and grab a free strategy audit today.