Make It Visible

#196: Boundaries for Success: How New Coaches Can Build a Sustainable Business

Michelle Kuei Season 4 Episode 196

Feeling overwhelmed or afraid to say "no"? You’re not alone! In this episode, we’ll discuss why boundaries are essential for your energy and business success, common challenges new coaches face, and how to set and maintain boundaries without feeling guilty. 

If you want to avoid burnout and create a healthy, sustainable coaching practice, this episode is for you!

Key Points:

  1. Why setting boundaries is vital for protecting your energy and ensuring long-term business success.
  2. Common boundary challenges for new coaches, including over-delivering and fear of disappointing clients.
  3. Practical tips to set clear boundaries from the start and maintain them with confidence.

Drop me a line and share your thoughts!

Meet Your Host:

Hey there! I’m Michelle Kui—Visibility Marketing and Speaker Success Coach.

I’m the founder of Elevate LifeCoaching, where I help coaches like you build a stand-out brand, attract high-quality 5-6 figure clients, and land paid speaking gigs—all by leveraging the #1 most important asset in your business (hint: it’s not JUST social media!).

My Journey into Public Speaking & Visibility

My speaking journey started early—at 9 years old when my dad voluntold me to enter a speech contest (thanks, Dad!). Since then, I became the go-to speaker whenever someone needed a voice on short notice.

From leading corporate workshops to running training sessions, I thrived where most people froze—grabbing the mic while others sat back, hoping not to get called on.

After working with hundreds of coaches, I realized a HUGE missing piece that most entrepreneurs completely overlook—and it’s the #1 strategy top coaches use to grow their business, attract premium clients, and get booked on bigger stages.

Are you using it? If not, let’s change that. 🚀


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Michelle Kuei:

If you've been waiting for the right moment to take your coaching business to the next level, this is it. Building a business that attracts paying clients is the most important step in your coaching journey. It is more important than getting another certification to hang on your wall. It is more important than perfecting every session plan and finding the perfect tools. It is also more important than trading services with a fellow coach or working for free. The truth is no marketing, no paying clients. The good news is I'm hosting a free three-day visibility bootcamp from September 20th to 22nd, and I'd love for you to join me. Over the next three days. We'll dive into how to market your coaching business in a way that truly attracts the right clients. How to confidently answer what you do and who you help. How to keep a steady flow of paying clients by avoiding these common pitfalls that we all experience. This bootcamp is designed to help you to stand out and connecting with the people that you're meant to serve. If you're ready to stop feeling invisible and start building a business that is not only to thrive but also feel deeply fulfilling, this is for you. Head over to visibilitymarketingbootcampcom. Let's end this year your year to break through in your coaching business.

Michelle Kuei:

Hey, you're listening to Make it Visible podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kui. I am a visibility marketing coach and soon to be your business bestie in the coaching business world. Not knowing how to connect with your audience, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So buckle up, ladies, let's get started. Welcome back to Make it Visible podcast. This podcast is here to help you to build your coaching business so that you can get seen, get heard and get paying clients. I'm your host, michelle, and today we are going to talk about something that's very important for every new coach, which is setting boundaries with your client. I know it sounds so easy, but, like when I think back to my journey of how I started in my coaching business, how I was working with clients, one of the one of the biggest lessons that I have learned is it's so important to set boundaries with your clients If you ever find yourself feeling drained, overwhelmed or unsure how to actually protect your time and energy.

Michelle Kuei:

This episode is for you All. Right. To start, I remember just a couple of days ago, I was working with a client who had reached out to me because you know how a lot of a lot of us you know coaching, we design packages and and it's how many sessions within how many months? So, let's say you're someone who's new, you might be offering something like a nine session or a 10 session, and within that two months you're going to find some of your client. Maybe they're busy, life got distracted and so they have other priorities, and so they might either not show up to a session or they call off a session.

Michelle Kuei:

And so one of the things that's really important for especially coaches, is when you design your contract okay, and you can get a copy of this free contract from the International Coach Federation Once you Google it. You can Google a coaching agreement from the International Coach Federation and you'll be able to download a copy of this. What this coaching agreement looks like. It's basically a contract between you and the potential client. So before you actually signed up that client, you go through and have that coaching agreement and it has terms and condition and what this cancellation policy looks like what is refunding looks like, and I would highly recommend that you get a copy of that If you don't know where to start. You get a copy of that and what you do is you consult with a legal right. It's always a good idea to have a legal right from the beginning. Okay, so you always want to have a lawyer, someone who's familiar with the business law to get that person to look at your contract, or contract lawyer to be more specific. So you want to get that contract to be looked at by your legal team and once you share that with the client, there's a couple of things. That's really important, right, how many sessions is there, how much it is? But, more importantly, it's about setting a clear boundary in terms of what is okay for you as a coach, from what hour to what hour that you'll be able to communicate with your clients and this is a true story.

Michelle Kuei:

When I first started my coaching business, I wanted to help my clients so badly that I was kind of not having a clear boundary. Right, I was answering texts, emails, all the time, even on my weekend, because I'm so accessible, I can be reached via text, I can be reached via emails and sometimes messenger, right, because a lot of my clients are online and I got them through online marketing and that's how they found me, and so a lot of them have access to my messenger, and so I would get these texts and email all the time, 24, seven, seven days a week and eventually, what I realized was that I was burning out and worse. You know, it feels bad. I feel bad for not responding to their calls or to their texts or to their messages. And we're talking about life coaching, right? So those of you who are new to me, I started out my. I didn't start out my business as a marketing coach. I actually started out as a life coach. So a lot of what you're going through as a life coach, I completely understand. I've been there, I've been in your shoes. So we're talking about life coaching and life coaching.

Michelle Kuei:

This is quite different than from a marketing coach, right? Marketing coach, I can set a boundary. It's a clear boundary. Hey, this is my hour from Monday through Friday. I'm going to be available for you during this time and weekend. I'm going to be off the grid, right? You're not going to be able to find me. I like to have my personal hour during the weekend me. I like to have my personal hour during the weekend.

Michelle Kuei:

But life coaching is a little different because you're always there and the things may come up 24-7, seven days a week for your client. They may have something that happened in their life and they just need someone to support them right there and then. So I remember when I first started out, I was so desperately wanting to help them. I was so badly that I wanted to answer their calls, their texts, their email, their messages. So eventually I got burned out and it was just not very enjoyable. And I remember one night in the middle of the night, it was like almost 11, 11 o'clock at night and I remember this client was having a lot of energy, going through a lot, which is quite understandable, but I didn't create that boundary right. So today we're going to talk about that boundary and why is it so essential in your coaching business and what are some of the challenges that coaches may be facing. And how do you actually maintain those healthy boundaries with your clients without feeling like you're neglecting them or feeling guilty or feeling you're not very supportive as a coach? So we're going to talk a lot more deeper in that and, if you have not already done so, I would love for you to hit subscribe to my podcast and give me a review, because your support and your feedback is going to be extremely helpful for me to continue to bring more valuable content to you and your coaching business. Okay, so today we are going to talk about setting boundaries.

Michelle Kuei:

Now, first of all, why is setting boundaries such an important topic for coaches? Well, it has to do with not just being able to support your client but also protect your own energy, right? I know in the beginning phases of your coaching business, you wanted to be out there, you wanted to be supportive, you wanted to help these clients who have signed up to your program, because signing up to your program it says a lot about their trust in you and so you want to be there for them and I totally get it right. But at the same time, you wanted to look at you know, how are you protecting your own energy? It's not, it's definitely not easy to get a client right. When you have a client signing up, it says a lot about the work that you have put in. It's also a great validation that, hey, you know my marketing strategies is working, or I'm out there and finally, someone is wanting to book a call with me and they're actually joining my program, and this is such a big celebration and I hope you do celebrate it when you have that client trusting you and actually taking out their wallet and pay you.

Michelle Kuei:

It's in that moment that you start to get so excited and you want to be there for them, you want to support them, you want to be on their journey, you want to celebrate with them every step along the way, which is why sometimes it's very easy to lose track of our own boundary, and so we start to feel that a lot of the things that they're doing it might be stepping over that boundary, right? So without the boundary, what's going to happen is you start to get burned out and if you're looking at early on in your coaching business journey, you may not have a whole lot of clients that you needed to support. Which is even more important to identify and establish that boundaries and standards so that, moving forward in all your calls, you can be clear in terms of here's what I'm going to support for you, right? So on Monday through Friday, these are the hours that I work, and during this hour, this is what you can expect, and during the off hours, this is what you can also expect. So the earlier that you do this, the better off, the more clarity you have for all your future clients who are signing up with you. And what you don't want to do is what I did, right, I didn't have a clear boundary. I'm like I want to be there to support you, so I start losing track of what is okay for me and what is not okay for me in terms of me being their coach and working with them. Okay, so we know setting battery is important.

Michelle Kuei:

What are some of the challenges that coaches might be experiencing? Well, number one for me it was I didn't want to disappoint them, right, because they placed so much trust in me in signing up to my program. So there's that fear of disappointing the clients because they have so much trust to actually wanted to work together and working through some of the deepest, deepest fear, and especially in life coaching a lot of the clients, what they're sharing with you. It's very vulnerable, it's something that's deep within their shadows for the lack of better words. So there's that fear of I don't want to disappoint them. I want them to feel supported, and so you end up doing more for them than what you had initially promised.

Michelle Kuei:

So include the time that you are available to them. Includes that. How many months or weeks can they extend if they miss a session? And I had clients who they disappear or you didn't hear from them for like maybe a one or two and they end up coming back. Hey, I know I signed up for a nine session, can I extend it? And so if you don't have that boundary that's what I'm saying If you don't have that boundary, it's very easy to allow yourself to say yes to a lot of the requests that you're receiving, simply because they have paid this much of the money and you want to be there to support them, you want to get them their money worth. And so you start to see that guilt start playing into how we let our boundary go and we lower the standard and we allow things to happen simply because it wasn't easy. You and I both know that it wasn't easy to get this client to sign up right. It took you a lot of work and therefore, that fear of disappointing this client, this important client, sometimes can step into our way of building that boundary.

Michelle Kuei:

Okay, what are some other challenges that coaches may be experiencing. So fear disappointment. That's one that we experience very often. The other one is actually over-delivering. Sometimes, when clients sign up because they're so valuable, because our relationship is so important, sometimes you end up over delivering. So maybe it's not even part of your package and you go out of your way to provide them with resources, supports, whatever it is that you end up over delivering what originally was actually offered and promised. So when clients sign your contract, they usually have something that they're expecting. So if we're going to work through these in this amount of time or this is what I can expect to experience maybe that transformation within that first week or so, we end up delivering more. Maybe there's more checking, maybe there's more email support, maybe there's more checking, maybe there's more email support, maybe there's more texting. All these extra additional support are your way of kind of over delivering just because they're so valuable and so important in our life.

Michelle Kuei:

So there's a lot of challenges that you know I can't possibly go through every single one of them, right, but all of them will lead into client overstepping. Whether it's communication, or maybe it's deadline, or maybe it's availability, right, they want you to be available on certain times, certain day, and if you're not, then it creates that energy within yourself to feel like, well, maybe this is something that I need to consider to add into my package, which is great, but it's the energy behind, or the intention behind, why we do certain things. Is it because it's really valuable for your client or is it because just one person who told you that, hey, this is what I'm expecting to you and if you're not able to deliver it, then you're not a good coach? Like what is it Right? So it creates a lot of opportunity for you to really think about when you're putting and designing these package. Are you really supporting the clients on the bigger picture or is it because the client is overstepping? So think about that for a minute. Right, and these are all common challenges that you might start to see as a newbie coach. As a coach, even within that first three, four and five years, you're going to see a lot of them as you continue to get more clients in and you're starting working with them on the one-on-one session.

Michelle Kuei:

Okay, so how do you actually set the boundary? We talked about why setting boundary is important for coaches and we talked about some of the common challenges for coaches in terms of setting boundaries. So how do you actually go about setting boundaries from day one, meaning that the moment that you sign them up, right, that boundary, that expectation, should be clear. I always refer it back to how a lot of us, you know, we go into relationship and these are like relationship with your partner, with your significant other. I always use that analogy of relationship because your clients and your coach relationship is really. It has a really similar dynamic, but it's more transactional, right? So, transactional relationship, but it still requires some expectations and boundaries from day one, and this is why we have contract or the coaching agreement.

Michelle Kuei:

So how do you set the clear boundary? Number one is you want to define your availability upfront. So in your contract, I want you to take a look and making sure that you have clear office hour, you have clear communication channel, clear office hour, you have clear communication channel and what is the expected time for you to respond to this client? So if you have never thought about, oh, I need to include that line in my contract, then today, that would be a good day to think about it. Right? You don't need to. You may be working another full-time job, you may be somewhere else, maybe you're building this from ground up and this is something that you're slowly building up to.

Michelle Kuei:

So what are your availability hours? What is your office hours? So, maybe from Monday through Friday, these are the hours that in between that I'm available to you. I'll be answering emails, I'll be answering your texts. Where do you want them to go to? Is it email? Is it text message? Is it a messenger? And when can they expect to hear from you?

Michelle Kuei:

And this is something that I did right from the beginning that, hey, here on my business hour, monday through Friday, nine to five, and this is where you can, you can communicate with me. This is where you can email me and please expect 40 hours during the business time. Okay, and it's important to identify and to specify this is going to be during the business time, because some of your life coaching client they may not have that understanding of this is a business. This is a client coach relationship. Right, here's my operational hours. Anything that's off the hours and you may hear from me, but you may not. But I'm going to let you know clearly that here on my business hour and you can expect to hear from me during the business hour in 48 hours, and I'm saying that because I had experience in the past where clients would email or text me right in the middle of the night and that's all the business hour.

Michelle Kuei:

And when you receive those texts, you shouldn't feel, you shouldn't have to feel that you are obligated to respond, because if you have set this availability up front, right, so you can respond to it if you like, or you can just leave it as unread and respond to it during the operational hours, and so it allows you to give yourself permission to not being able to respond to it in that moment of time and allow yourself to rethink, reestablish that mindset of I have a business, this is my business hour and this is the time I'm going to respond any business-related messages or emails, right, so that's very important, and I know I did it, the I learned it the hard way, right, I learned it the hard way, and so a lot of what you're going to hear on this podcast is going to be some some of the things that I wish I didn't do and which is why we're talking about it, so that you didn't, you don't have to make the same mistakes that I did. So that's number one how do you set the clear boundary on day one. Number one is to define your availability up front, okay, and you can do so in your coaching agreement, your contract that you send to your client. And since we're talking about the coaching agreement, it is also important to make sure that you send them a copy of the coaching agreement. Now, if you don't know where to start, international Coach Federation is great. They have a lot of resources on their website and one of the resources that's included is actually this copy of coaching agreement, so you can go and download a copy of the coaching agreement for yourself. And again, you wanted to bring it to your legal, your lawyer, your attorney, to make sure that they take a look and so that your business is protected, and this includes policy that may be regarding cancellation, communication, expectation, refund, all these stable privacy right. Privacy is huge now nowadays, especially like everything has no privacy, so you wanted to make sure that these are terms and conditions are being looked at by your legal, by attorney, and so that's number two. You want to send them a coaching agreement, and that's very important.

Michelle Kuei:

And the third step is to set boundary around your personal time. Now, I know a lot of my listeners, my podcast subscribers, you guys are working another job. Many of you are working another job full time and this is something that you're building on the side and hopefully can be something that you can replace your full time job, and so you have two jobs. So I always look at it as now. I have two jobs right. One is that I'm very passionate about, and the other one is I'm trying to get away. But, regardless, you have two jobs. Now, when you have two jobs, it's so important to look at your calendar and carve out your like plan ahead, right. The other day, I was doing an Instagram reel, and one of the things I talked about was it's so important for you to actually take control of your calendar on day one. If you're thinking about building a coaching business while working a full-time job, your first step is actually to look at your calendar and take control of your calendar.

Michelle Kuei:

You may wear multiple hats and in order to build this business, you're going to need to carve out the time to actually work on some of the most boring things, right? We all started out our business by building these boring things. What are the boring things? The boring things may include, like doing your social media posts, writing your copies, writing your captions, it may be creating your own websites and it may be setting up your email account All these boring things and that you don't really. You didn't really realize that when you signed up to a coaching certification program or getting certified as a coach, that these are the other things that you signed up with.

Michelle Kuei:

But unfortunately, if you want to build a business, there's really marketing is really part of that most important picture in your business, right? Because if you don't have the client, you don't have people coming in, then you don't have a business, and so, despite the fact that you have to do a lot of boring things, you want to carve out the time that you're able to do that, and so one of the things that I was talking about on that reel was that 100% of the success come from 90% the strategic planning, and so 90% of the time you're going to be planning, You're going to be I said strategic planning, right, because a lot of us we plan, but it's not really strategic, it's not really leading anywhere. So our marketing, our strategy, doesn't fall flat because there's really no outcome that we're associating it with. And if that is you, I am starting a visibility marketing boot camp which is completely free and we start on Friday, september 20th. We're going to get going and this is the book camp where I talk about how do you market yourself and your coaching business, when, on day two, we're going to talk about how to create that elevated pitch that every time you go out there and people are. When your audience is listening, it's clear, it's concise, it's something that they actually get them interested. They wanted to follow you, they wanted to actually engage your post and they actually wanted to sign up with you. And that's on day two. So we're talking about marketing and I'm going to also show you how I help coaches to follow this formula so that they can be somewhere else and your content, your social media content, your blog posts, all these stuff that you're creating and putting out into the world, can actually be your 24-7 sales force so that you can actually attract more clients without you physically being there all the time, one of the things that a lot of my female coaches and coaches because we're wearing so many hats, it's hard to actually be there physically all the time doing networking, connecting with people and finding the referral or the word of mouth, and so what I want to teach you is actually a formula of how you can do this without you physically being there all the time, which means that everything that you create should be able to attract your dream paying clients to you. And if you're struggling to do that, then there's something that's off, something that's missing, something that is not working. So this Visibility Marketing Bootcamp is going to help you to solve that. So that is starting on Friday, september 20th. If you want to sign up, it's completely free. So just go to visibilitymarketingbookcampcom and you'll be able to save a seat. And if you cannot make it live on those days, I do send out the recording. So, either way, you want to grab a seat at visibility marketing book camp, okay.

Michelle Kuei:

So number four, about how to set the clear boundary from day one, is you want to be consistent, okay, consistent in the way that you are consistent in terms of what is okay and what is not okay. So think about your own relationship, and we're talking about your relationship with your partner, your significant other. Think about that relationship, right? If your partner is inconsistent in the way that he or she is interacting with you, then that creates a sense of confusion like, oh, but it was okay for you to do this, but why is it not okay for me to do that? Right? So, same thing, same relationship.

Michelle Kuei:

Let's bring it to the coaching and client relationship. Clients appreciate clarity without knowing exactly what is okay and what is not okay for them to do, and you're also, in a way, holding them accountable. Let's say you're offering nine sessions within that two months period and clients miss two sessions, and on your contract, you clearly said that if you miss a session, then that session counts as a session, right? So? Which means that your client only have eight sessions left. And so if you're going to back up and say, well, okay, so you missed a session. And here's what I'm going to do, since you and I are talking, since you reach out to me, since I really need you to renew on the next round, then I'm going to add another session for you, so I'll just extend this contract to another week or to another month, right?

Michelle Kuei:

So it's very easy to lose that consistency in terms of this is the boundary that we agree upon initially, and here's what I'm going to let you do, right, I'm going to slide it under the table, and I'm going to let you do it because I really want you to come back and renew it again. And so you want to be consistent in the way that you're setting up this boundary, and here are the clear expectations and I'm going to stick to it. So if I'm going to say that, hey, if you miss a session, that session is gone, right, so you get eight sessions left. Now it's up to you to show up and to be consistent and hold yourself accountable for what you signed up with, right? And so you want to be clear, and if there's energy coming up for you, then that would be a great opportunity for you to think about well, what's going on here, what am I feeling and why am I doing this to this client, not to other clients? So that's something for you to consider and to think about.

Michelle Kuei:

And since we're talking about that guilt, what you want to do whenever that guilt come up or you start feeling like, well, well, maybe I'll just let it go. This would be an exception. So what I want you to do is actually take a moment to to work on that feeling, work on that energy. Right, you want to reframe it as a self-respect and also a respect for your other one-on-one coaching clients If I'm allowing this one client to step over the boundary and allow that one exception to happen, then what about all these other clients who pay you the same amount of money and who gone through who actually went through the steps of doing the work and showing up for you right? So there's that respect that you want to build, to create not just for that one client who stepped over the boundary, but also for all these other clients who have paid you, who have do their work, who's done their work right. So whenever that guilt, that energy shows up, I want you to reframe it and think about what is it about? This client who is stepping over the boundary, unable to show up to the session, versus all these other clients who are able to show up in the session and holding themselves accountable right. That has a lot of opportunity to work on. That has a lot of opportunity to work on.

Michelle Kuei:

And the other tip for you, whenever that guilt, that feeling of maybe I'll just make this exception for that client, is to think about, to think about your long-term success. If you're someone, if you're a coach who said what they're going to said and you're actually building a good relationship with your clients, then that's going to show and you're running this business on the long-term right. It's not just for this one client and it's easy to think that, oh, this is my first client, or this is my first couple of clients, I'm going to show up with them, I'm going to get a great review. But you got to think of it. Think of your business as a long-term journey. It's not just one time, it's not just a couple of months. You're going to run this on a long-term basis. So if you keep letting this boundary go and there's no expectation, it's wishy-washy then in the long term you're going to quickly burn out, because then you're losing your personal time, you're losing your ability to actually function as an entrepreneur, as a business owner.

Michelle Kuei:

Think about the bigger picture, right? So a lot of our new coaches, especially new coaches, we focus on the initial process here. I just want to get more clients, I just want to get this client, I just want to sign up this client. It's going to mean so much to me. You're losing sight of what this long-term strategy will look like.

Michelle Kuei:

And so a lot of coaches I talk to, especially in the beginning of the journey, you're too focused on just getting that one client. You're missing out this bigger picture of creating a system, a strategy that would make your business more sustainable. And so a lot of time, when I talk to my clients, I say you're focusing on what is most painful, what is most needed in this moment of time but as your coach, I need to in order to do my job correctly. I am looking at your business from a bigger picture sustainable, something that's more sustainable, something that's more long-term. So when you are looking at just solving that one problem right here at one point, I'm looking at the problems that you're going to experience in the future that you may not see.

Michelle Kuei:

And so every time you sign up a client, if you don't have a boundary, if you don't have a contract, if you don't have specific hours, communication channel, response time all these elements set in place, then in the long term, it makes perfect sense why you're feeling the burnout. You're feeling this is too overwhelming. I don't know what to do with this. I don't believe that I can support this client. So you run into that problem where the client is not happy, you're not happy, right, and this whole system just fall flat and it just collapse. So what I want you to focus on is we talk a lot about why boundary is important, the common challenges, how to actually set the boundaries without feeling that guilt.

Michelle Kuei:

I want you to look at your own system right now. Are you focusing on just getting that one client in your business right now? I know, trust me, I know that you know sometimes money can come into the play and just signing up that one client will give you so much validation. But I want you to look at the system that you have created so far. Do you have all these safety elements that's, protecting your business, protecting your boundary, protecting your personal time that's already set up. Have you thought about this at all? That would be an important starting point for you as a new coach who's struggling to get clients in the first place.

Michelle Kuei:

Are these expectations, are these boundaries clear enough so that allow you to talk about it on that discovery call? Right? If it's not, then we need to start that day one. We need to start today to think about what is okay, what is not okay, how do I decide on my personal time and what is allowable, what can my client expect from me? These are important things that you talk about on that discovery call so that the client has a clear understanding of what am I going into.

Michelle Kuei:

Right, because they're focusing on the problem that they have and sometimes they just want someone to support them on that journey and they may not realize that, hey, it's 11 o'clock at night and my coach actually have a life and maybe I can hold on to this question. I want to text my coach and leave it in the morning or leave it into the email so that my coach can get back to me and it is your job to remind them that here's my boundary, here's the expectation, and, in order to hold yourself accountable, I want you to meet those expectations. I want you to have these boundaries, respect these boundaries, because this is also the skills I'm teaching you, and so I hope this is helpful. And if you're a new coach who's struggling to set that boundary, take a moment today to actually review your coaching policy, your coaching agreement and making sure that all these boundaries are clear and firm. Remember, you want to also protect your time and energy, and those are the key to run a successful business, and because marketing is going to take up so much of your time and energy. So I want you to be able to actually carve out more time and set a system in place so that you can actually focus on getting more clients doing your marketing showing up on social Um. So these are the things that how I was able to manage with a full-time job plus building a full-time coaching business on the side.

Michelle Kuei:

All right, next week we're going to talk about creating a signature offer that stands out in the crowded market, and you won't definitely want to miss that show. All right, thank you for listening again to Make it Visible podcast and if you found this episode helpful, be sure to subscribe and leave me a review and share it with a fellow coach. I would love for you to go ahead and share this with a fellow coach who needs you here. Until next time, keep shining and keep staying empowered. Thank you for listening to Make it Visible podcast.

Michelle Kuei:

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