Make It Visible

Why Social Media Posts Don't Convert: 3 key reasons

• Season 3 • Episode 15

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Do you feel like you're constantly creating social media and blog posts, pouring your heart and soul into your content, yet it doesn't seem to convert into paying clients?


This struggle can be frustrating and disheartening, especially when you're passionate about coaching but can't seem to make the impact you desire.


Discover the top 3 reasons why your social media posts aren't converting followers into paying clients in this episode. 

🔑 Key Takeaways:

  1. Why it's crucial and how to effectively integrate it into your content.
  2. How to create clear, compelling messages that resonate with your audience.
  3. The importance of strategic planning in content creation for business growth.

🚀 Join My Visibility Marketing Bootcamp: Transform your coaching passion into a profitable venture! Details here:

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3 Steps To Get Seen, Get Heard, And Get Paying Client

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--------------------- Who Is Michelle Kuei ---------------------
Hey There! I’m Michelle! Your Visibility Marketing Coach, content and Email Marketing Strategist, Motivational Speaker, Author (…And soon to be your new business bestie!)

I help female coaches to simplify marketing so they can get seen, get heard, and get paying clients (..even if you work a full-time job!)

My job as your coach is to:

  • Help you build a one-of-a-kind personal coaching brand with you so your business stands out and position you to be the authority within your coaching niche.

  • Teach you how to develop marketing strategies that is aligned with your vision and value with the RIGHT brand messaging to attract your dream paying clients.

  • Develop a simple and easy way to market your coaching business without being overwhelmed and burnout.

  • Help you develop a course and membership...

Hey, you're listening to Make it Visible Podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kuei. I am a visibility marketing coach and soon to be your business bestie in the coaching business world. Not knowing how to connect with your audience, grab people's attention and get them excited to buy from you should never be the reason you give up on your dream to become a full-time coach. I'm all about making marketing the easiest part of your coaching business, so that you can turn a passion for coaching into a visible and profitable reality. So buckle up, ladies, let's get started. The three things that you're going to need to launch your coaching business in 2024.


Over the past couple of months, I've been hearing a lot of coaches coming to me and asking me how do I position myself so that I can attract more dream clients? There's a lot of coaches who's constantly on social media and they're putting out a lot of content social media posts. They're sharing their inspiration every single day, yet they are not seeing the result. So today we're going to talk about the three reasons why your social media posts and your blog posts is not converting any paying clients. Number one reason why your content is not converting. First of all, you are a big heart center the email coaches, who's all about helping and making more impact, and you truly believe that coaching is something that's accessible to everyone. So when you tend to create a lot of inspiration for your audience, but yet you forgot one very important thing, that is, to have a call to action and perhaps you're not even familiar with the term call to action what does that even mean? So the idea of a call to action is so that your audience get to do something. We all came to one of those very amazing, powerful, motivational events and you walk out of the room you're feeling pumped, you're feeling energized, you're feeling like you have, whatever you take to do, something big and something major in your life. But yet, without that call to action, it's like walking out from a movie theater watching an amazing movie and then, a couple of days or weeks after, you completely forgot what you have watched. Thank you, and that is not something that you want your audience to do.


So anytime you create an inspirational post, you always want to make sure that you include a call to action. Now, most people they would share a calendar link, which is a big ass from your audience. Not only do they have to commit the time to show up on your discovery call, but they may not be ready yet, and you don't want someone who's not committed, who's not ready to do the work, to jump onto your discovery call. So what you should do instead is you can ask them to either follow you for more or, jumping to your newsletter, subscribe to your channel, something that is small and has a lower bar to cross so that they're willing to cross it.


Reason number two your content is not converting to your paying client is because you have this vague message and it's wishy washy Today I'm going to try this out and tomorrow I'm going to do something else, and so you're always fluctuating. And today you're promoting your workshop and tomorrow you're offering your webinar. Believe me, I've been there. I've done the same thing. So when something is not working, it's not because it's not working. It's because you haven't figured out what is not working. Let me say that again If you're offering your webinar and you notice that there's not a whole lot of sign up, chances are it's not the webinar itself is causing the problem, is somewhere in your campaign that's making the issue, that's creating the problem. So you wanted to go back and reevaluate your whole process of how you're offering that webinar, the messaging, the copy, the website, the landing pages, the email that you have sent out or the type of messages that you've been posting on your social media All this is going to cause someone to either to sign up to your webinar or not. So if you notice that there's no signed up to your webinar, chances are it's much deeper than what you believe it's not working. So we need to look at your marketing messages, your copies, to make sure that it is tight, it is congruent, it's cohesive, so that your audience has a clear picture of what they're signing up to. If you need help to identify your brand messages and get that so clear that there's no way that your audience is going to say no to you and creating copies that is engaging, that is entertaining, to keep your audience fully engaged, then you need to come to my Visibility Marketing Bootcamp, which is going to take place January 15th to 19th, and you can find the link in the description box. I look forward to see you there in the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp.


Reason number three why your content is not converting to paying client is because you don't have a plan. I cannot tell you how many times I come across a conversation with my students and female coaches who struggle to put the content out. They have no clue of what their content planning is, and when you don't have a plan in your content creation, chances are you're just throwing spaghetti on the wall and you have no idea what you're going to offer today or what's that big picture look like. So you need to sit down and create a content planning so that you are clear. How is that going to help me to the webinar I'm going to launch next week? Or to a masterclass I'm going to offer in the future? Exactly what does that look like in relation to all the things I'm putting out into the world? So you need to have a content plan in order to create that cohesiveness inside your business that would allow you to scale and grow.


So what are the three reasons why your social media posts or your content creation is not getting you the result or getting you the paying client so that you can grow and scale your coaching business in 2024. Reason number one is you're such a big heart center, female coaches, and you're just pouring your heart out in creating values for your audience, but you're not recognizing the fact that you also have a business to run and in order for this business to be successful, you need to have strategies and plans in place so that every post that you create and every piece of content that you create is going to serve as a 24 seven sales force for you. So reason number one is you make sure that you need to have a call to action for each piece of content that you're creating, whether to get people to follow you on social or joining you and subscribing to your newsletter. All these are considered valuable call to action to have in your business. Reason number two is your brand message is totally vague, so your audience is really confused about all the things that you're offering and they have no idea of exactly what you do. If that is you, you need to come to my Visibility Marketing Bootcamp, which we're going to cover a lot more in depth of how to have that brand message that is so cohesive, so congruent with everything that you do, with your passion for coaching, and how do you keep your audience keep coming back for more. All these we're going to cover in the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp. It's going to take place January 15 through 19 and the link is down in the description box below. I look forward to seeing you there.


The last reason why your social media content creation is not getting you any paying clients or converting any sales for you is really because you don't have a content creation plan. Having a content creation plan would allow you to have a bigger picture of exactly what is it about, what I'm creating that's going to take my audience from a follower to a paying client. Without that plan, without a strategic plan, all the things that you're creating is just going out to the air and it's floating somewhere but not giving you a result that you want. If you're looking forward to growing a coaching business and become the go-to coach that everybody is talking about in 2024, I encourage you to join me in the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp that's going to take place January 15 to 19, and the link is down in the description box below. I look forward to seeing you there so we can turn your passion for coaching into a profitable business.


Thank you for listening to Make it Visible Podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to ElevateLifeCoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money, building the gaps in your marketing strategies, creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love. To wake up to, head over to ElevateLifeCoachingorg and grab a free strategy out today.

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