Make It Visible

3 steps to a profitable coaching business in 2024

Season 3 Episode 14

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In today's episode, we're tackling a familiar feeling of déjà vu in the coaching world - doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results. It's time to break the cycle and gear up for a profitable 2024!

🌟 Key Highlights:

  1. The Trap of Inconsistency: We dive into why jumping from one platform to another (hello, LinkedIn, and Instagram!) might be holding you back and how consistency is the secret ingredient for marketing success.
  2. Blueprint for Client Attraction: Discover how to create a client attraction method tailored to your strengths, whether it's engaging in-person networking or leveraging the power of social media.
  3. Storytelling as a Business Anchor: Learn the importance of a compelling origin story and how it can be a cornerstone in your brand's narrative, connecting deeply with your audience.
  4. Content Creation Framework: We explore five essential elements to create content that resonates, engages, and converts. No more hit-or-miss posts!

🚀 Special Announcement: Don't miss the details of our upcoming mega event from January 15th to 19th – the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp. It's an exclusive opportunity for female coaches to learn these strategies in depth, with real-life examples of clients who have achieved remarkable success.

Whether you're a new coach or a seasoned professional feeling lost in the crowd, this episode is filled with insights, stories, and practical advice to help you navigate the challenges of building a profitable coaching business.

🔗 Join Us: Ready to make 2024 your breakthrough year? Click the link in our description to register for the Visibility Marketing Bootcamp and start your journey to success today!

Visibility Marketing Bootcamp 2024: 

-----Free LIVE Visibility Marketing Bootcamp ---
3 Steps To Get Seen, Get Heard, And Get Paying Client

-------More Ways To Learn With Michelle-----
Learn With Me:

--------------------- Who Is Michelle Kuei ---------------------
Hey There! I’m Michelle! Your Visibility Marketing Coach, content and Email Marketing Strategist, Motivational Speaker, Author (…And soon to be your new business bestie!)

I help female coaches to simplify marketing so they can get seen, get heard, and get paying clients (..even if you work a full-time job!)

My job as your coach is to:

  • Help you build a one-of-a-kind personal coaching brand with you so your business stands out and position you to be the authority within your coaching niche.

  • Teach you how to develop marketing strategies that is aligned with your vision and value with the RIGHT brand messaging to attract your dream paying clients.

  • Develop a simple and easy way to market your coaching business without being overwhelmed and burnout.

  • Help you develop a course and membership...

Hello, welcome to the Make it Visible podcast. I'm your host, michelle Kui. I am a visibility and marketing coach, and this is our special spot for female coaches who might be feeling a little bit lost in the crowd, especially if you're introverted. We're here to help you to stand out. So join us as we share stories, tips and fun chat that will help you shine. Whether you are new or perhaps you've been coaching for a while, this is going to be your go-to place to be seen and heard. So get comfy and grab your coffee. Let's get started.


So there's a saying that goes insanity is defined by doing things over and over and expecting a different result. So perhaps you're here because you've been feeling that you're doing the same thing over and over and that same thing is in your marketing strategy. Maybe you even struggled with some shiny object syndrome where you see one coach who said well, you know that's all go-to-reading thing because LinkedIn is where you can find all the high-paying high. So you decided to drop everything else and then head over to LinkedIn. Or perhaps you heard something else that came up on Instagram and Instagram is where all the coaches would be. Then you drop everything else that you were doing on LinkedIn and then you hop over to Instagram. If that's how you've been feeling in 2023 and you haven't seen your business growing, then today I'm going to share three things that you must have in your coaching business to make your business profitable in 2024.


One of the problems that I see a lot of female coaches, especially if you're first starting out, or perhaps you're hitting that three-year mark and you're feeling kind of lost in the crowd and you're not quite sure. First of all, you don't have that consistency, and we all know that consistency is really the key to your visibility and your marketing success. If you're not visible for your coaching business, chances are your potential client is probably not going to be able to find you because they have no idea of even to where to look for you in the first place. So you might even find yourself going from places to places and network to network or platform to platform, but there's not a single things that you have tried that have worked. Now, perhaps you've been doing a lot of social media posting, but you have no idea of what to come up with more posts in order to get that traffic and get that audience to start liking and clicking and buying from you, and so you're trying out a lot of different things, but none of these pieces actually piece together in a very cohesive way that would actually drive the traffic into your business so that you have that consistent flow on your calendar to get booking, to get discovery called, to get all the things that you wanted to do in order for your coaching business to become a full-time business.


And I know this is a real struggle for many coaches because a lot of you are still working full-time, you know, on a nine to five job, and I don't encourage someone to all of a sudden, you know what? Today I'm going to quick and I'm going to walk out of my workplace and there's no security and support for you financially and that becomes itself a really big energy block to actually having to overcome. Because having a profitable business it's not going to be something that happens overnight. It would take time, it take energy, it takes your dedication to actually want to step into it and then start building it, starting in 2024, the right way from the get-go. Number one is I would really sit down and think about what is it that you need in order to have that income to be able to replace your current work and if you're not able to replace it at the moment and you don't have the lease, you don't have the potential client or you don't have the volume for you to replace it, I would highly recommend that you stay in your full-time job. I know it is uncomfortable, I know it is not fulfilling, but you need something that would pay the bill, whether it's a part-time work or a per DM work, or you stay in your full-time work and until you can comfortably get into a position that will place yourself in a position where your income can be replaced, then you can think about okay, maybe I want to submit my resignation letter To if you're doing any type of planning at the end of the year and in the beginning of the year, I will encourage you to think about that and keep that in the back of your mind, because that is going to come up again and again if financial situation become an issue for you.


Now, what are the three things that you're going to absolutely need in your coaching business in order for this business to be profitable? Number one is you need to have a client attraction method or blueprint, and this blueprint is going to allow you to look at your business and evaluate exactly how do I get in front of my potential client. Now, if you're in-person, if you're more doing in the in-person you love the in-person engagement, you love the in-person interaction then I would think about what within your network that you can tap into or to attend or to become a member of, something that you feel comfortable, that you feel where people can interact with you and learn more about what you do. So that's in-person, in-person method of how you can create that client attraction blueprint. Now, if you're in the virtual world, then social media is really your biggest platform where you can stay in front of strangers and followers and audience who don't know much about you and to create that awareness that your business exists. So your step number one is to create some type of client attraction blueprint that works for you, and you're going to hear a lot about different coaches and different businesses or maybe marketing agency that offer you this type of blueprint. Essentially, what that blueprint looks like is the method of how you attract a potential client, which is a potential complete stranger who come across. Maybe it's a video, maybe it's your blog post, maybe it's a social media content that you'll put out to the world Any type of content that you create, that you put it out and send it out into the world, that becomes your client attraction method that you can use to bring people closer to your business.


So the first thing that you need in your coaching business to make it a profitable business is you want to think about and look at what feels right for you, that you're comfortably and can effulously, continuously and consistently showing up, and it would be easy for you. For some of us you may be video. For some of us, you may be social media posts, like Instagram posts or something that we can write. One of my clients love to write and actually several of them love to write. So the method that they use in their client attraction blueprint is to use a blog post, or they're writing newsletter to their audience, or they're writing social media posts to post on their Instagram or on their Facebook. So that is their way of creating that client attraction blueprint, and everyone is different. Some of us may be more comfortable with video. One of my clients she love and enjoy producing video and she's really good at it. She used to do a lot of voice over, so she had all the equipment and lighting in the house and now she can actually bring them out again and use it in her coaching business. So the first thing, first, is that you got to find what works for you and do more of it, because you know that this it is something that it had worked for you in the past. It's something that you can easily adapt to and use.


The second thing that you're going to need in your coaching business to make it a profitable business is you need to have a story that anchors your purpose, your reason of having this business. I cannot tell you how many times I've been asked on a podcast episode or during an interview, whether it's on a feature article or newsletters or a podcast. Every single interview that I go to, the first question that people would ask is tell me about yourself. So you need to find an anger within your story that would allow you to anchor your business into the purpose of why you're having this business. So you need to be able to describe your origin stories when did you come from, how did you begin and what made you decided that coaching is something that you're passionate about. So the second most important things that you're going to need in your business in order to make it profitable is. You need to have that clarity of what that story is about and you'll hear a lot of this term brand story and essentially a brand story is where you can anchor your business mission and purpose into this origin story so that the audience have better sense and understanding of what your business is about. So that is the second thing that you're going to need in your coaching business to make it a profitable business in 2024.


The last thing that you're going to need in your coaching business to make it profitable business is that you're going to need to have a content creation framework. Now, I cannot tell you how many times I've seen coaches struggling to produce content and every time they put out something, it always a hit or miss. Some days it's great, fantastic post, but other days it just missed the mark. And earlier we talked about. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over by expecting different results. So if you're creating a post that always starts in certain way, or you're always talking about the same thing over and over For example, if you keep sharing your discovery call every single post and you always sound promoted, people are going to tune you out very quickly and that is the last thing that you wanted to do to your audience, if you want to get them to click like and buying what you have to sell.


So it is important to have a content creation framework where you can hook them, you can teach them, you can tell them a story and you can ask them, when the time is right, to actually signed up with you, and it is much more powerful and engaging and it doesn't come across selzy. There are going to be five essential elements in a content creation framework. You need to have a hook, you need to have a promise, you need to have tell them a story so that they can find it relatable and you need to teach a lesson based on the stories that you have anger your business in and based on what does it mean for your audience and what do they need to know from the post or from the content that they're reading. And then, lastly, you never, ever want to leave out a call to action. And this does not mean that you share your discovery calendar every single time. Again, insanity is repeating, then doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So if you notice that your calendar is filled with spider webs and it's all filled with crickets, then perhaps you're not doing it right.


So today I have shared three things that you're going to need in 2024 in order to make your business a profitable business and you becoming a profitable coach. I'm having a mega event coming up for you in January, 15 through 19, where I am going to take you behind the scene of showing you all these three steps in much, much more details. If you are a female coach who's been trying to put these marketing strategies pieces by pieces together, then this ability marketing bootcamp is right for you. I'm going to show you these three steps of how I help my clients to get eight clients within 48 hours of a course launch and others to get their clients within 90 days. The registration is open, and so you're going to find a link in the description box down below.


Go ahead and grab a seat, and this is completely free and complimentary. I'm going to show you the exact three steps of how to put all this together so that 2024 would be different for you. Thank you for listening to make it visible podcast. If you love this episode and want deeper support for your coaching business, head over to elevate livecoachingorg and see how we can partner together to turn your passion into a profitable business. I help female coaches launch and scale their coaching business faster than ever, without wasted time and money. Building the gaps in your marketing strategies. Creating a simple and easy to follow system so you can accelerate on the path of coaching business that you love. To wake up to Head over to elevatelivecoachingorg and grab a free strategy out today.

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